Sweet Sensation

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"Alright," he said, wrapping a tattooed arm around my shoulders, "I think it's time we go home," he said, motioning to the mostly empty club around us.

"Agreed," I mumbled, sliding off of the bar stool and wobbling slightly when he suddenly turned and pulled me towards the door.

"Are you drunk?" he asked with a laugh.

"Aren't you?"

"Yeah, a little bit," he said, a goofy grin on his handsome face.

"Me too," I mumbled, giggling when he missed the door handle.

"Well, that means it's an Uber kind of night," he advised, tapping a finger to the side of his nose.

"Agreed," said once again, enjoying being close to him.

Granted I had only met him a few hours before, but he instantly made me feel calm aside from me stumbling over my words; when he sat beside me, my anxieties and nervousness washed away... then again, we had been drinking quite a bit, too, but that was my doing, not his.

"There is no way that you can out drink me!" he had insisted.
"Well, I guess we'll have to see..."

I had never been one to turn down a challenge; I guess it was in my blood.

We hadn't planned on getting wasted, and we didn't, deciding to save the competition for some other night. Tonight was about new beginnings and friendships, not out-drinking a basic stranger.

"Where are we going?" he asked no one in particular, shaking his head as he looked around.

"Depends," I said with a hiccup. "Do you want to go home, or do you want to have a sleepover?" I asked in complete seriousness.

"Sleepover, eh?" he asked with a chuckle. "Sure. We can do that if you want."

"Okay, then lead the way," I slurred, grateful that his warm arm was still around my bare shoulders on this cold February night.

"Oh, let me get an Ub- wait, no, it's close. We can walk if you're up to it," he suggested, looking into my eyes.

"That's fine with me. Wait! Let me get these evil things off," I said with a laugh, reaching down to pull off my platform heels. When I stood up straight again (well, as straight as I could) I couldn't stop laughing at how much taller Archie seemed; Now, I barely reached his eyes, rather than almost being almost the same height as him like I was earlier.

"You're so small," he managed to say between laughs, once again putting his arm around me as we began to walk to his hotel.


"So, what do you want to do?" he asked, sitting beside me on the couch.

"I don't know... What do you want to do?"

"I don't know either. We can find a movie or something... Talk?" he suggested with a shrug.

"Okay. Oh, if I'm staying, can I have something to sleep in?" I asked, gesturing to my shirt.

"Oh, of course," he said, wobbling when he stood up.

"Careful!" I warned with a giggle.

"It's okay, I got this," he assured with a laugh, walking over to his suitcase. "Okay, here's the bad news," he mumbled as he dug through his clothes, "there are no pants in here that will fit you, but," he straightened up, "There are plenty of shirts."

"Works for me," I said with a shrug, marveling at the extremely attractive man in front of me.

"Let's see, do you want black... black... black... or... oh! White?"

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