Chapter 06 - After Torture

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"That's what I call a warm reception." Redhead murmured.

He Tian grabbed Redhead's arm and dragged him to Jian Yi's side. He tried lifting the blond, but he refused to leave Zhan Zheng Xi's side. Jian Yi was sobbing, trying not to touch his friend, he knew it would probably hurt a lot. But the brunet was smiling, he didn't understand why.

"Thank you." He whispered weakly.

"Don't..." Jian Yi's voice cracked as he cried. "Don't say anything."

"I told you, didn't I? Jian Yi came just as I said."


"Careful, Jian Yi. We have the same mother." He Tian said.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO HIM?" He was completely out of his mind.

"Because it was fun seeing him cry for mercy? But enough about this, ok? What happened stays in the past, now we have to talk about the future."

As He Tian's brother was saying, a tall man, with brown hair and deep yellowish eyes appeared. He had a scar on his left hand and carried a serious expression. The man was wearing a pinstriped suit, very well-tailored, shining black shoes and a big gold ring with some sort of symbol on his right pinky finger.

"Mr. Jian." He Tian's brother stepped backwards.

"Yi, my son." He said, extending his hand to touch Jian Yi's hair. The blond slapped the hand, not letting it touch him. He stood up and looked at the older brunet angrily.

"Why did you command him to do this to Zhan Xixi?"

"You wouldn't come if I didn't make my threat real, would you?"

"Of course I wouldn't. Don't call me son, it disgusts me to death."

"Why, son?"

"Such a vile person, as my father. I can't help but deny it."

"Me, vile? You sure don't know your mother."

"Of course I don't, she never talks to me."

"Can I tell you who your mother is, then?"

"I don't want to know. I want to get the fuck out of here and take Zhan Xixi to the hospital."

"I'm afraid this isn't possible, Yi."

"Why not?"

"This boy is our bargaining chip. We have him, we have you."

"You have me now, let him go."

"Hey, hey, Jian Yi. Do you really think we will leave you here?" He Tian said.

"Just take Zhan Xixi to a hospital, I'll manage everything."

"But you brought He Tian with you, Yi." His father grinned. "Two birds with a single stone, that's amazing."

"You want him, Sir?" He Tian's brother asked.

"Of course I do. I've seen what this boy is capable. He would be an amazing bodyguard. Yi's bodyguard."

"I'm not interested, old man." The black haired boy said smirking. "I am interested in knowing why you want Jian Yi, though."

"I need someone to take my place when I get older, young boy. My heir is the best thing I could ask for. I just want Yi to take care of the business."

"She took me away because she knew you would ask me that, didn't she?" Jian Yi hissed.

"I don't know, son."

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