How it all started

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This story began on the day that my mother was taken away from me and my family by Amarantha.
My family hated Amarantha, just like I did, but still they acted like they were friends.
'To stay alive' My mom ones told me. My mother was taken away from her because my father did something that he shouldn't have done.
One night, my father was done with pretending. He stood up for himself. For us. But little did he know it was the worst thing he could do to us.
My father was there when Amarantha had killed, had tortured a human for just accidentally spilling a little water on Amarantha's floor.
My father didn't think before he did it. "How could you?" He started. "HOW COULD YOU, TORTURE AND KILL THAT PERSON FOR NOTHING! YOU MONSTER!" He had screamed. One of
Amarantha's soldiers wanted to take her father. But Amarantha already stopped them before he could touch my father.
She let him go. For now.
My father didn't bother to say: 'Thank you." He just walked away with an icy stare in his eyes.
That night my father had filled himself with liters of alcohol.
The next day on a Monday evening, my mother was violently taken away from us. From me. A person that actually loved me, that cared about me. That night I stayed up with my sister. Sharing the lost and the pain with each other.
My father wasn't the person you really wanted to talk with that week. I was sad , just like every other person in the family, the whole week. She would be tortured and killed. She wouldn't return.
She's gone
I stopped healing that week. I couldn't handle that, yet. The only thing I needed was rest. I was scared and sad so I stayed that whole week together with my sister. Doing all the work in the house my mother used to do.
But that all changed when they came... for me.
I was violently taken away from my family. I screamed and screamed.
No, No.
I didn't want to leave my sister, nor my family. I knew that my sister wouldn't be able to handle all the work she had to do. Even for us, together, it was hard work to keep up with. I knew no one, except my sister, would miss me. They never looked up to me anyway.
I fought back to the soldiers that wanted to take me away. I fought and fought. Until my dad said to me: "Stop fighting back, and go with them."
"How could he?", I thought. "How could he have given his own daughter like that?"
Those were the thoughts that haunted my mind until the soldiers had brought me to Amarantha.
What I saw was the most cruel and heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. There, I saw my mom in a cage. A cage. Like an animal trapped in it's cage. How dares she.
Amarantha sat there, playing with her nails.
"You have arrived," she had said. "It's about time."
I didn't dare to look at her. Not yet.
"What do you want?" I had asked, still staring at the ground.
"You do know what a stupidity your father has shown to me? A true ally, calling me out for a monster," she had said.
I wanted to scream that she was more than a monster. And that she should be punished and killed. But I kept my mouth shut.
"What do you want?" I had repeated.
She snorted derisively and she had walked over to me. She had grabbed my chin roughly and tilted it, so she could look into my eyes.
"What I want you to do," she had said calmly. "Is that you watch your mother being tortured to death."
My head had hurt so much that I wasn't even able to see clearly.
I had screamed until I became hoarsely. She had laughed into my face like a monster that she was. And my mother.. my mother had just looked to me with tears streaming down her cheek.
Everything has happened so fast.
Too fast.
She had opened the cage with my mom with a snap with her fingers. When I saw the soldiers walking towards my mom I had tried to run to her.
Nothing had happened.
I was frozen on the ground.
Amarantha had used my power against me.
The only thing I could do, is watching her. Watching Amarantha torturing my mother with her own powers. And my mother, who was screaming of the pain.
There was no blood. Amarantha was destroying her mind. Her soul.
The monster.
I had screamed and screamed. And I had tried, every time my mother had screamed, to fight against Amarantha's power that had turned against me.
Then suddenly.. the screaming had stopped. I had started to cry. I had thought she was dead. I had thought she was gone.
Amarantha had looked over to me and said: "I've heard that you were the best healer of the Winter court. Show me. Show me that you are, or she'll die."
That heartless laugh of hers had appeared.
I had run amazingly fast to my mother. I had kneeled over to her and I had looked her into her eyes.
I had placed my hand onto her chest where her heart was below.
Concentrate, I had thought
"Eleyna, please look at me,"
"Eleyna, I want you to know.. That this isn't your fault... it never was."
"I can't heal you, I can't... can't... heal you." I had said to her, while tears were streaming down my cheeks.
"Because it doesn't hurt. It was meant to be this way." She had said.
Those were her last words.
It was meant to be this way.
No.. NO.
It wasn't meant to be this way.
I had to save her. But I couldn't.
I was to weak.
It doesn't hurt
Her last breath had touched my cheeks like it was a soft kiss.
I had screamed and I had cried.
I had shouted that it was all her fault. And Amarantha just returned her frosty heartless laugh.
I had ran towards her. But before I could've grabbed her neck. Everything went black.

The rest of that night I didn't know what had happened. I still don't know.
The only thing I know, is that I woke up in one of the many forests close to my home.
I had walked home. Everyone was already sleeping. That was what I thought.
I had opened the door and had closed it as fast and as quietly as I could.
Even with all the horrible and cruel things that had happened. I still had to remember that my father was home.
I had taken a few step towards the stairs to my room. But when I had taken five steps on the stairs. A shadow had appeared behind me.
My father. It was my father.
With a frozen stare he looked at me.
"Where is she?", he said roughly.
I had known whom he was talking about.
My mother. My dead mother.
I had looked to the ground. I didn't had the nerve to look him into his eyes.
"She's... dead." I had answered quietly after a few seconds of silence.
He had taken a step towards me. And his hand had appeared... with a knife. He had a knife in his hand.
I had been standing frozen on the stairs.
He had walked towards me, with the knife ready to kill.
When I finally could move again. I had taken a step on the stairs again, while still looking at him.
"Father.. Please," I had said.
I begged. I begged him to not kill me.
His own child.
I had turned as fast as I could so I would be able to run away. But before I could take a step, he already grabbed me by my shirt to the ground.
I had heard something cracking. Bones.
When I had laid down on the floor, he had stabbed me everywhere he could.
And I had screamed and screamed.
I had tried to pull him off me, but he was too strong.
But then.. there was a moment. A moment where I stopped screaming. Where I stopped fighting back.
Where I allowed him to stab me.
Where I allowed him to kill me.
When he realized I had stopped screaming and fighting back, he had said: "You killed your mother, and now you're killing me."
After he had said that, I didn't think before I did it.
And he fell with glassy eyes above me.
I had killed him.
I had frozen his blood. Burst his veins open. And had stopped his heart.
All in one second.
You killed your mother and now you're killing me.
I got him off me and I had ran towards the door out of this house.
The house that I once had called home.
I had wanted to say goodbye to Elenthia, but then I would loose time. I had to go out of the Winter court as soon as possible.
In a few minutes already they would find out that my father was dead. Killed.
I had never ran so hard in my life ever before. I ran through the closest forest, while losing blood out of the many deep wounds on my body.
I would never get out the Winter court so fast without dying first.
I had ran, ran and ran while every second loosing blood.
And I had given up.
I had sank into my knees.
I Give up. I Give up. I Give up.
I had felt the blood streaming down out of the so many wounds. I didn't care anymore. I would die.
"Just let this be over quick," I thought.
The world twirled around me, and a silhouette with wings appeared in front of me.
He had ran towards me. But I couldn't take it anymore. And everything went black.

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