Chapter 4

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That was it. We lived together as friends, as a family. I had a reason worth living for. This family, this bound that we had. Everything went well. I learned to control my powers. The voices in my head were stable. And I learned to fly with my wings. I trained together with the rest of the man in the camp. Most of the time with Cassian as my trainer. I was surprised that I could just fight with the man in the camp. But as Rhysand always told me: "You're my problem, not theirs."
Mor became my best friend. She had always been there for me and I was there for her. We had a lot in common, and we always talked a lot with each other.
I was happy and we had always much fun together. But still, this isn't how this story ends. Sadly, not at all. Instead, this story went already wrong when I started to fall in love...

It was a Saturday night and I was more tired than usually. I didn't train much that day and I said as fast as I could, goodnight to everyone so I could sleep. I was happy when I finally stepped into my room to sleep. I changed my clothes as fast as I could and I stepped into my bed. I had to avoid a groan from happiness when I felt the soft blankets and my beloved pillow. I closed my eyes and within a second I was already gone.
I saw a forest, it snowed and there was a lake close by. The lake was frozen and I realized that I knew this forest. Of course, it was the Oscibus forest. The: "Soft kiss forest". They had called it that because there was always a soft wind, never too much snow, never too frozen, and never too cold. Perfect. Just like a soft kiss. I walked around and I felt happiness run through my body and veins. I looked everywhere I could and it was as beautiful as I could remember. I sat down by the lake and I enjoyed how beautiful this place was. When I suddenly saw a silhouette on the other side of the lake. I felt the urge to walk over to the silhouette, but I also felt a sting of fear. The person beckoned me and I stood up. I looked at the lake.
Never too frozen.
It was dangerous. I was pretty sure that the ice would break if I would walk on it.

Come to me, the silhouette said in my head.

I took a deep breath and I took a step on the ice. It didn't break. I sighed of relieve and I started walking.

Who are you?, I asked to the silhouette in my head.

I can't tell, it said.

Do I know you?, I asked.

The silhouette nodded and I kept walking.

Friend or enemy?, I asked.

Enemy, it said.

I stopped walking and I stared at the silhouette. Go back, go back, go back, I thought.

You feared me, but soon you will not. Instead, you will obey me, it said.

Instead of stepping forward, I took a step back.

Come closer, it said.

I didn't obey, but I also didn't take a step back.

Show me who you are, I said.

A command.
The silhouette didn't move, but then stepped forward and a body of a woman appeared. She wore a cloak and I couldn't see her face. But she took the cape off and I saw her face. The face of a monster, a betrayer and she is hated all over the world.
I turned around and ran as fast as I could away from her. But the ice broke all of the lake and I fell in the water. The water was ice cold that it hurt. I tried to get out of the water but I sank and sank. Deeper and deeper. I had to breath. I had to. I fought against the water. But it was too late. I breathed the water in. Water filled my lungs and pain appeared everywhere through my body. I tried to swim, but I couldn't. Above me a blurry face of Amarantha appeared.

I will help you if you obey me, she said.

Never, I returned.

Her deadly laugh appeared in my mind and I had to fight back the urge to retch.

You will obey me, or your family dies.

I knew about which family she was talking about.

No!! No, please no!! , I cried.

Let me in your mind and obey me, or everyone who you care about dies. No exceptions for your mate.

Mate? Mate. I didn't have a mate. What is she talking about?

Oh by the cauldron! You didn't know. Azriel is your mate. But why didn't he tell you? And Again. Let. Me. In. Your. Mind. And obey me! Yes.. or.. no...?

Azriel is my mate? Azriel is my mate. The pain increased and I couldn't do anything else. I had to obey her. I had to let her in my mind. Other wise they die. And I will not let her do that.

I'll let you in my mind and I will obey you.

A ray of light and magic appeared and a dark sign appeared on my palm. That's the proof that I had signed it. It was a tattoo of a howling wolf. I was angry. And I wanted to strangle her so bad.

And have a great night, slave.

And with that Amarantha disappeared. I was still under water, and the pain... The pain was terrible. It hurt so much that I thought I would die. I tried to fight back the pain but it only got worse.

You have to obey a maniac. A monster. A killer.

Azriel is your mate.
Azriel is your mate.
Azriel is your mate.
Azriel is your mate.

I screamed and screamed and I tried to swim away from this madness. But I only sank deeper and deeper.

Eleyna! , I heard a voice screaming. Not just someone's voice. But Azriel's voice.
This was a dream. A nightmare. Azriel wasn't my mate and I'm not bound to Amarantha.

Eleyna! Eleyna please wake up! Wake up!

I tried to open my eyes, but it didn't work.


And with that I woke up. My eyes stood wide open. And my throat hurt because I had screamed. I had screamed and that's why Azriel was here.
My savior. My mate.
No. Wait.
I looked at my palm and I saw the tattoo. I tried to fight back the tears but I couldn't. I would obey her. I was her slave. And Azriel was my mate.
Azriel took me in his arms and shushed me. He tried to calm me and I did. His warmth against me felt good and relaxing.
"It was just a dream." He said.
I wanted to tell him that it wasn't "just" a dream. I was bound to Amarantha and the tattoo was the proof. And I was his mate. But Amarantha's voice ran through my mind.

Tell him or anyone else about our bound. And they will be tortured and killed in front of your eyes.

I fought back the fear and sadness through my veins. She could control me. I was the puppet and she was the player, and I had to obey her.
Instead of telling about the bound I had with Amarantha, I asked: "Why didn't you tell me... That I'm your mate."
Silence fell and in his eyes was a sign of sadness.
"I didn't know if.. If I deserved you. And if you were ready for it." He said.
I shrugged. "But you could have told me! I have the right to know that."
He looked down and said: "I know, and I'm sorry."
"Two hundred years you have had the time."
"And two hundred years I was still thinking about you not wanting me!"
I was silent and I stared at him.
"I thought... I thought you liked Cassian" he quietly said.
I still stared at him silently.
"I would never, never, choose anyone else but you. I was in love with you. And I still am." I said.
He looked at me one more time before he kissed me.

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