- Chapter 3/4 -

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It was a dark, but beautiful winter morning. It was five o'clock and I jumped out of bed. I changed my clothes and pulled the curtains open. It was snowing and a little smile appeared on my face. I took the bow and arrows I had made through the months. I had already been here for a long time. Approximately two hundred years. Well, maybe not even that long. But I knew a war was coming up. A war with Amarantha. I wanted to fight against her. Fight with all these man in the camp. A few months ago, I started to make this bow and these arrows. I chose to fight with them in the war.
Fight with my family.
After I had made all this, I started to hesitate. I didn't know if I should train or not. And when? Cassian had forbidden me to fight in the war, if there was a war coming up. And later on Rhysand and Azriel did the same. But after a while of lots of thinking. I had decided to just try it.
So now, here I am at five o'clock in the morning. Trying to learn myself to archery.
I took the quiver and the bow on my back. With , just in case, one knife ready to attack, in my hand. I cropped to one of the many woods nearby.
In the woods it was very quietly. It was windless, and there was no one to be seen here. I did hear some growls of animals or monsters , where I didn't know the existence of, but I told myself:
Weak nor fear will I be.
Through the years that became the quote I told myself when I was afraid. And every time, it helped myself to calm down.
I picked an arrow from the quiver, and I laid it on the bow. I chose a tree as a target, and I started to practice.
It wasn't even that hard to do. I was already pretty good at it. And the more I practiced, the better I got. So, I practiced this every morning at five o'clock until I could do it with my eyes closed.
Days, weeks and months went by when I finally told myself that I had accomplished my training. I could finally sleep well. And I hid my bow and self-made arrows under my bed, just in case.

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