Chapter 3

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Rhysand had taken me to his home with Cassian and Azriel at his side. He had commanded to the people that were standing at the side, staring at me, that they had to get back to the training. The training of Cassian had been dismissed for that day.
I laid on my bed, hurt and tired, while Rhysand was pacing up. Cassian sat on a chair with deep thoughts in his head. And Azriel was looking at me with curiosity in his eyes.
"Can you stop pacing up, you're making me more nauseous and more nervous than I already am!" I said to Rhysand.
He stopped and looked at me.
"Excuse me, that I'm pacing up. But I don't know what just happened, and I have to figure this out. And the only thing that can help me figure all this out, is by pacing up. So, no. No, I won't stop pacing up," He said in an angry voice at me. Then suddenly a woman walked into my room. "What's going on here?" She asked.
"Not now Mor, we've got problems." Cassian said.
I inhaled deeply to calm myself. Since I've arrived here strange things have happened. My powers had been released. Thoughts had been raising up in my mind. Not even my thoughts. And the strangest thing of them all that has happened, was that I got wings. Illyrian wings. Wings of a culture that I'm not even included in. The wings still haven't disappeared. I felt heavy, tired and I was hurt. I felt empty inside and I wanted to die. I had no one who I cared about, and no one who cared about me. I don't have something living for anymore. They're gone. The thoughts appeared again in my mind. Some of them were speaking, thinking quietly. And some of them were screaming. I closed my eyes and tried to fight back the thoughts.

Destroy him, that's the only thing I ask from you.

I loved him, he loved me.

It should have been her! Not me.

It's okay. Just remember I love you.

Please don't leave me.. Please don't go.

You have to tell mom and dad that I love them. Promise. Promise me!

I opened my eyes again and I realized that those weren't just thoughts. Those were voices. Clear voices speaking. Not to me, to someone else. And the worst of it all... they were the last words of someone. The last words before they died. Rhysand looked over to me, he had stopped pacing up and his eyes were shocked. Cassian looked at him, but Azriel didn't bother to look at either of them but me. It looked like Azriel already knew it.
"This explains everything." He said. "Evrything. Your powers are released here, you got the wings. You hear voices. Dead voices. It fits exactly. You are a sciafone.." he said.
A sciafone?
"Excuse me, a what?" I asked.
"A sciafone," he said while sitting on my bed. "The Greek words: Skiá and Fonés. Literally translated as: Shadow voices. You hear the voices of the shadow. The voices that no one can hear, but you. Because you're a sciafone, this means you're powers of the Night court are showing more and more. In the past, it was very rare to be or become a sciafone. Only Illyrian became or could be them. It was a hidden myth. No one from the other courts, except the Night court, knew about them. They were rare and very, very powerful. This also explains the wings, because you're a sciafone,  you're Illyrian blood and power has shown. Why the other powers were released here, is because they get activated and are becoming more powerful, here in the camp. In your home."
This explains everything.
No, no.
My common sense of reality returned and I stepped out of the bed.
"This is not possible. I'm here literally for one day. One. Day. And now I'm suddenly a "sciafone". I'm NOT okay. I don't even know you guys." I said.
A headache appeared and I got nauseous. "I don't want to be here. I want to go home. I want to be the healer again. I don't want to be a fighter. I don't want to—" I said and the headache started to get worse. "Please bring me back home. Please." I said. Tears were streaming down my face.

God, I hated crying.

This was were Azriel walked over to me and tried to calm me. "It's okay,we will always be there for you."
"I want to go home, please bring me back!" I cried.
I sank into my knees. Azriel hesitated but kneeled next to me. He hugged me and wrapped his wings around me. It was dark and the only thing I could see was his face. I felt his warmth upon me, and somehow I became calmer.
"Shhh..." he shushed me. "Everything will be alright. I promise. I know it has been hard for you. For your mother, for your sister."
I felt my hard dropping.
"But we'll become your new home. We'll protect you and we'll live like a family. There's nothing to be afraid of. You'll learn to control your powers, and you will be able to protect yourself," his words warmed me and gave me a calming and relaxing feeling through my body.
"And you'll never, never, will be afraid again." He added.
He looked at me and kissed my tears away. One by one. I felt my face turning red, but I gave him a smile. A true and rare smile.
"Thank you..." I could get over my lips.
"No need to thank me, Eleyna." I heard in my mind. I shivered and I came to the conclusion that Azriel had said that.
He knew that I didn't get how he could do that because he said: "I'm a shadowsinger, almost the same thing. We can communicate with each other, just with our thoughts."
"So we're bound to each other?"
Something in his eyes appeared and he said: "Yes, you could say that."
He smiled and let me go. Rhysand looked like he was trying to avoid a smile and Cassian just stared at him unbelievable.
"Welcome, to the family Eleyna," Rhysand said.
I smiled and I finally felt a sting of happiness through my body. I had a family again. A true family, for the first time. Here, not everyone wanted me dead. This was a family of caring, and of loving. Yes, I missed my mom, and yes, I missed my sister. And I'll never forget them, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy anymore. For once, I felt that my body was okay, with me being happy.
"Let's start again then, shall we?" I said thankfully to the caldron for these people.

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