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mark hyung🐻
holy shit youngjae


mark hyung🐻
you really posted a picture in his hoodie

yes lol

mark hyung🐻
do u know how risky that is!!! what a rebel who are you

its not like any1 follows me that knows except u!! duh!!!

mark hyung🐻
u right


jb hyung
holy shit

wait what am i looking at

his hoodie dipshit

jb hyung
dont call me dipshit im your hyung

i know you have a hyung kink but thats choi youngjae in a red hoodie

jb hyung
ok and

he posted that an hour ago
and you gave your red hoodie to a girl tht looked a lot like him

jb hyung
ew wtf thats weird
youre dumb asf he could just have a red hoodie like me

but i was lurking and he hadnt posted a pic with that jacket until tonight and have you ever seen him wear that at school??¿ im p sure you know all his outfits since you spend so much time messing with him

jb hyung
shut the fuck up i didnt give my jacket to him thats weird

plus minji looked nothing like him
he has a mole under his eye

wtf how do you know that weirdo

jb hyung
i know what he looks like dumbass.

whatever man i swear minji is youngjae

jb hyung


jaebum might have seemed calm in his texts to jackson, but on the inside he was freaking out. it wasn't a coincidence that minji had the same thick thighs as youngjae and button nose like him. it was true minji didnt have a mole under her eye but makeup could cover that easily.

it was dark in the karaoke room so the older didnt pay much attention to every detail on minji. yet she still had the same traits as youngjae. maybe he was overthinking it and his brain was haunting him from bullying the poor kid for so long.

jaebum had never thought of teasing youngjae as bullying until the younger broke down in tears in front of him, causing even his own throat to dry up. he was in denial of his teasing, thinking of it as just joking.
youngjae wasn't formed to be the perfect masculine son that his parents wanted. he wasn't forced to be dating a girl 24/7 to protect his sexuality from being tainted of homosexuality.

youngjae wore clothes he wanted and wore a smudge of makeup to enhance his beauty, and jaebum hated it. he was so free to do whatever he wanted and no one would judge him because he didn't carry a reputation like jaebum.

now that he thought of it, mark was youngjaes only friend and vice versa. so how would mark be able to make friends with a pretty girl so quickly?

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