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You held my hands when i felt like letting go
You pulled my chin up, when i thought of giving up.
You gave me hope when i started losing faith.

You help me stand, when im down on my knees.
You gave me reasons to continue when im about to stop.
You made me feel again, when I've been numb for awhile.
You believed on me when no one else couldn't.

So thank you for accepting me for who i am,
For loving me when i couldn't Even love myself,
For showing me things i never thought exist.

Thank you for giving me reasons to see things in a brighter side of life...

Not for anybody else,
But for myself.

Thank you for making me realize that i should learn to love myself first.
Thank you for picking up my broken pieces,
Thank you for thinking i was worth the pain, the suffering, the anguish.

Thank you for holding on...
But most of all,

Thank you.
Thank you for trying to save a lost soul...

Maybe the timing wasn't yet right,
Maybe the soul wasn't yet ready to be found...

Or Maybe,
Just maybe...

I just don't need the saving.

// February 22, 2017

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