Question Mark

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Questions over flowing in her mind
Sleep become her way
To escape reality

But whenever she closes her eyes
Doubt comes through her
Questions knocking on her mind
The pain struck into her like lighting bolt

Questions. Questions. Questions

Why does it seems so hard
Answering or accepting
the answer,
The reality,
The truth,
Your answer.

Do you feel the same?
The electrifying sensation when we touch?

Do you hear it?
The uncontrollable beating heart when your near?

Does it hurt you?
The same way you make her feel

Does it? Do you? Can you?

Because she felt it.

She felt every single pain, happiness, misery, anguish you made her feel when you came into her life.

So she wonder, if she asked you will you be able to answer her question?

"Do you love me, like i love you?"

// May 03, 2017

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