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A/N Not a big fan of this part but I need to update so here it is.

Phil left for work early in the morning after giving Dan a bowl of cereal, learning that Dan didn't only like fish. Dan, therefore, was left alone in the apartment to do as he wished. Unfortunately, there wasn't much entertainment around but Dan was fine with that- it wasn't as if the streets was any better.

He was still scheming to get away from this place. He hated the burden he was putting on Phil and despite his gratefulness for the help, Dan couldn't repay him and if he couldn't repay him then there was no way in the world that Dan would let Phil care for him.

Dan had already grown too attached, too fond of the man. He had made a friend.

That was the worse decision of his life, in his mind. He had promised himself that he would never be in contact with another human.

He had failed himself, he had made a friend. Although he didn't know that now, despite his own thoughts, it was good for him- this would be his chance to escape loneliness.

He would never accept that, though. He refused that someone could care for him because he had never felt that before. He had never been cared for nor had he ever cared for anyone else. His parents, though, were a different thing altogether.

His parents were his family. He loved them unconditionally but that never meant they cared for him. Well, he had never seen them care for him.

Dan often thought too deeply and in his situation, he over-thought the situation to the point where he believed that even his own parents didn't care for him.

He had so many people throughout his life that had cared for him but he had just as many pass him by, abandon him- more even. That was what had led to the lack of trust. People had tried helping over time but every time he would leave or they would attempt to sell him to the highest bidder.

He was sick of it and if it meant living alone his entire, short life then he would gladly stay away from any being, human or otherwise.

Dan focused his eyes on the room around him and found himself sitting in the middle of the corridor, staring at the bland, chipping wall by the door. He stood, not having much feeling in his legs, and approached the door mindlessly- his movements robotic and expected.

He had to leave. This was his chance. His hand found itself on the door handle and he twisted it gently, letting himself out. He was still in Phil's clothes but had no desire to change, if Phil wanted to help then he should be happy that Dan took any.

Dan pushed himself down the stairs with the little strength he had and made his way into the icy world out the outdoor.

The air hit him like a knife as it sliced at his exposed skin. He shivered but smiled at the familiar sensation of the cold- this meant freedom, no matter the price of that freedom. He was nervous but he craved the elated feeling of being away from humans again.

He buried his hands into his pockets, trying to keep his hands warm, when his fingers came into contact with a small piece of paper.

Dan pulled the paper out, studying it. It was ten dollars. Dan smiled, not even thinking of keeping it for when he needed food again, and ran to the closest café that Phil often talked about.

He hadn't been to a place like that in years. He retraced his ears, making him feel weak and dizzy but it was worth it all for the aroma he got when he stepped inside. The blend of coffee and chocolate caused his stomach to growl loudly.

Dan, still smiling widely, approached the counter and ordered a hot chocolate, something he had never drunk once in his life. He had heard the sweet taste was unforgettable and he was surprised to see he paid less than half the money to have one.

If something was so good, why was it so cheap? He ignored his confusion and was just glad for the fact that he had enough money to pay for some food later. Maybe this could let him live for just that bit longer. Dan had so much to do in such little time. His life was a timer that was nearing zero and there wasn't much he could do about it now. Phil would soon notice Dan's absence and wouldn't bother to find him again.

But, he found him last time, did he not?

It all rushed to Dan as he took his first sip of the steaming drink in front of it, amazed by the surge of happiness he felt as he drank it, and the front door opened.

Dan glanced around to see the café empty apart from the man who had just entered. Dan heard heavy breaths coming from the man as he looked around and his eyes fell on Dan. Dan finally looked up at the man and met his gaze, Phil. 'Dan!' He shouted, running up to him and pushing him down on the chair with tremendous speed.

'I've been looking for you everywhere!' He panted. 'You weren't at home nor were you in the alley. I was sure I'd lost you.' Tears filled Phil's eyes and Dan couldn't understand why. Why did Phil care so much? Was it for the money? Was it because he cared? Of course, it wasn't because he cared, at least, that was what Dan believed.

Dan believed a lot of things and with a lack of education and trust, many of his ideals, morals and thoughts as a whole were false.

'Let's just go home.' He sighed, taking Dan's hand and pulled him from his seat. Dan shook his head frantically, trying to pull away from Phil. 'What's wrong?' Phil asked, turning to look down at the Neko boy. 'And what happened to your ears?' He asked in a hushed voice, careful that the barista didn't overhear.

'Talk. Elsewhere.' Dan's voice was covered by the large rattle of the coffee machine and his usually hush tones didn't help. Dan was often docile but with his energy being sapped away as he focused on keeping his ears in and only caused him to lose most of his fight.

He went back to the table, picking up the hot chocolate and holding it in his hands and led Phil out of the shop, ready to explain what was wrong.

Dan couldn't, though, he was too afraid. Too afraid of death. He realised, that in that moment, that if he left then and there, there was no hope for his survival. He needed to fight and maybe living with Phil was the way to do it.

Dan would practise at keeping his ears in and he would get himself a job. He would pay Phil back and he wouldn't grow too attached.

The list went on but when they stepped into the biting frost and decided to go back to the apartment, Dan didn't care at how much effort he would have to put in. He would do it for his survival.

Not only that, he would do it for Phil.

word count: 1216

published: 23.02.17

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