He's The School Jock

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You were at your locker, getting your books for class, when you heard commotion going on at the end of the hall. You quickly finished grabbing your things and walked over to the circle that'd formed. 

When you got over there, you saw a skinny boy with glasses on the ground with the school's jock Wes Tucker leaning over him menacingly. 

Wesley grabbed the boy by the throat and lifted him up in the air, the other kid gasping for air.

"How dare you bump into me like that you piece of s***!" He yells at the boy, who's name was Noah

"I-I'm s-so-rry" Noah gasps out

No one steps in to help him, so you quickly drop your things and run into the circle and scream at Wesley.

"Put him down NOW Wesley!" you screamed pointing a finger at the boy

Wesley smirks at you and lets go of Noah's neck.

"Aww how cute. You trying to save him. But don't tell me what to do pretty girl." he says sexily, walking toward you.

"Well you obviously listened huh pretty boy" you mocked, and smirked as his face turned red, "Aww how cute, the school's quarterback is blushing or is he embarrassed?" you asked

"OOOOOOOOOOH!" the crowd yells out

Wesley glares at you before putting on his varsity jacket and walking away with his head low. You chuckled a little bit and went over to Noah who was still laying on the ground. You knelt down beside him and touched his face gently.

"Noah are you ok?" you asked 

He slowly opened his eyes and had a look of terror on his face, "Oh my gosh is he gone? Is he coming back to kill me this time?" he had a deep voice, it was pretty attractive.

"Don't worry, I took care of it. Now come on you have to get to class." you smiled as you helped him get up.

"Thank you..." he said softly, picking up his things and heading to his class.

It was your turn to pick up your books and head to class. You got there before the bell rung and you sat in your seat and waited for the teacher to come in. You were pulling out your notebook when you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"Y/N!" the voice yelled out

You groaned, turning your head to see Wesley sitting right behind you. You forgot that the both of you had the same first period.

"What Wesley?" you rolled your eyes

"Don't roll your eyes now, you can do that when we're in bed" he winked at you, and you felt butterflies in your stomach, "And don't call me 'Wesley' baby girl, call me 'Wes' or more I like it 'Daddy'" he smirked

"What. Do. You. Want?" You asked again, irritated that you thought this a****** was hot

"You should come to my game tonight. I would really love to see you there." he smiled genuinely, but knowing him since kindergarten you knew it wasn't very real.

You and Wesley went way back actually, the both of you were best friends from Pre-K to 9th grade, he even asked you to marry him with the classic Ring Pop and you actually accepted. But when he became the quarterback that year your relationship started to deteriorate quickly. He started to spend less time with you, and more with other girls and the football team you had to let him go.

"Why do you want me there?" You said turning back to your notebook

"I need my good luck charm wifey!" he exclaimed

"Whatever Wes." You said as you wrote the warm up

"Please Y/N.. I'm not being an a** right now, I really want you there." he basically begged

You turned back toward him and looked him in the eye and noticed that he was being sincere, "Fine Wes, I'll be there."

A grin spread on his face as he looked at you, "Thanks wifey!" he says happily, going back to his work.

Man I miss this Wesley... you thought to yourself.

A/N: Woooooow! This is probably one of my best imagines aside from all the variations of The Assistant. Stay tuned for more, I'm excited! Love y'all!


Wesley Tucker Interracial Imagines/PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang