Arranged Marriage

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"Mom I am not marrying some random stranger, I'm sorry!" You yelled at your mom

She and your father just told you that you would be forced to marry the son of a family friend, whom you didn't even know.

"I don't even know him!" You expressed

"Y/N get over it. There is no backing out of it, you will be meeting him tomorrow where he will give you the engagement ring." Your dad says, grabbing your mom's hand and walking away

You groaned loudly and plopped down on the couch angrily, "Oh and dress nice for him, we don't want you looking like an old hag." Your mother said as she walked away.

"Ugh sometimes I just want to kill her." You grumbled under your breath and went upstairs to bed.

The next morning you got up and showered, walking into your closet looking for an outfit you decided on a royal blue dress and matching accessories, learning that blue was his favorite color.

You grabbed you keys and got in your car, headed to the very fancy restaurant that your parents made reservations at. When you got there you had the valet park your car as you made your way inside where you were met by the hostess.

"Hi! How may I help you?" she asked with a smile.

"Umm I'm looking for Wesley Tucker?" You cringed at the last name

"Oh yes ma'am right this way!" she smiled again and led you to the table.

There you were greeted by a tall, tan man with tattoos lining his arms, and blonde/brown hair.

He was beautiful.

You looked at him in awe, not realizing that you were staring.

"Umm Y/N are you okay?" He asked

Oh God his voice is so deep.

You were still staring.

"It's not polite to stare" Wesley smirked

You finally snapped out of your trance and a face of horror appeared, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, it was so rude!"

"It's okay baby" he smirked again and pulled out your chair, "Please, have a seat."

You sat down and nervously looked at the menu, horrified by the insane prices. A few moments later a waitress came to take the drink orders, after bringing wine the both of you were in an uncomfortable silence.

"So I brought the ring" Wes smiled and went into his pocket, pulling out a 9 karat diamond ring.

He handed it to you and you looked at it, holding it like a delicate piece of paper. After slipping the ring onto your finger, Wesley took your hand and kissed it making you blush.

"So how do you feel about the wedding Wesley?" You asked

"I don't really know, it's not everyday that I marry a stranger. But I feel comfortable with you so I think we'll be okay." He smiled, "What about you?"

"I don't know either, I fought my parents on it but they're stubborn like me. But with a nice, handsome man like you I think it will go alright" you smiled back.

After dinner, the both of you took a walk along the beach and got to know each other a little better.

"What do you think about kids?" Wes asked you as the both of you held hands

"I love them, I would like 2 or 3." You looked up at him, "What about you?"

"I'm not a huge fan, but I'll compromise for my wife" He smiled and kissed your cheek.

A few minutes later the both of you were sitting on a park bench, cuddled together watching the sunset.

"I'm glad to be marrying you Wesley" You said and looked at him

"I'm glad to be marrying you" He leaned down and planted a passionate kiss on your lips.

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this, and yes I will be copying this to various books. Don't try to say anything... Love y'all!


Wesley Tucker Interracial Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now