Pregnancy Hormones Gone Wrong

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You've been pregnant for about 4 months pregnant and it was getting rough for not only you, but for Wes too. You were the very emotional pregnant person who cried about 5-10 times a day. Wes;ey tried his very hardest to accomodate your every need, but you whined worse than a 5 year old but you couldn't help it. You were like one of those clingy b****** in the Wattpad stories that everyone doesn't want the main male character to be with.

It was early one morning, 3 AM to be exact, and you had another one of your weird cravings. Tonight it was boiled eggs with peanut butter and pickle juice... hey, you had a baby to take care of here.

You quietly tip toed downstairs and looked in the refrigerator to see that y'all had run out of eggs. You felt your eyes start to water as you went back upstairs and over to the bed to wake up Wesley.

"Wes?" you sniffled softly, tapping his shoulder

"Yea." he answered tiredly

"Can you go g-get some e-eggs and p-peanut butter?" the tears were rolling down your cheeks

"Oh my god Y/N can you stop the whining please, ugh it gets on my nerves." he said, rolling over

The tears came even quicker, "Are you serious right now Wes? I'm sorry that I'm pregnant with your baby and that the hormones are crazy right now!" you yelled

"Yea whatever Y/N." he said

"Why don't you love me anymore Wesley?!"

"GET OUT Y/N! If you are gonna keep crying and all of this stupid shit, then leave! I'm tired of it!" He finally yelled before he stood up and walked to the bathroom.

You stood there for a second then quickly grabbed your car keys and your phone and left to go to Cody's house. He could always make you feel better with his silly attitude. You stopped by the store and grabbed some snacks before you made your way to his house.

When you got there, you knocked on the door and waited for him to come down. After about 5 minutes of no response you pulled out your phone and called him.

"Hello...?" he answered groggily

"Can you open the front door please?" you asked

"Oh my gosh, finally that f****** pizza I ordered is here. Why did they call you to tell me though? Oh well, thanks Y/N/N!" he hung up and you could hear him walking to the door.

He opened it and looked at you in shock, "Y/N what are you doing here? Where's my pizza? Did you eat it?" he asked the last question sadly

"No Cody I didn't eat your pizza, I just need some cheering up so I brought some snacks." you answered sadly

Cody moved out of the way and let you into the house and the both of you sat on the couch, and you told him what happened.

The both of you were munching on some chips, when you got a call from Wes.

"Should I answer?" you asked Cody

"Bitch don't do it! No. After what he did! Hell! No!" you could tell that Cody was a little sleepy so you ushered him up to bed. When you came back down, your phone rang again.

"Hello." you answered roughly

"Y/N where are you?" Wesley asked

"Out. That's what you wanted."

"Y/N/N please come back home, is the baby ok?" he sounded worried, but you low key didn't care

"Don't worry about it. Is that all you wanted?" you were turning into Petty Betty

"Y/N I'm not joking, this is my kid too!" he starting raising his voice.

You pulled the phone away from your ear and looked to see who he possibly could be talking to.

"Well you certainly weren't worried about that when you f****** kicked me out of the house huh?!" you yelled at him.

"Y/N please, I was sleepy and irritated-"

You cut him off, "And? So the next time I'm sleepy I'm gonna set your f****** guitar on fire."

"So you're coming home? How are you gonna set my guitar on fire if you aren't home?"

"Shut the f*** up Wesley. I'm tired and I'm gonna go to bed. Bye" you said before hanging up the phone

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed!


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