The One.

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Everything was a blur. All I could see were the tears threatening to spill from my hazel eyes. My heart completely shattered by his words. He was leaving. He was leaving me for someone else. I didn't want to believe a word he was saying he couldn't have possibly found another.

"Jason no you can't be serious" I pleaded. My words coming out in choked up sobs. I looked into his eyes for a sign of regret, remorse anything indicating he would change his mind. "Justin please understand when I tell you this just isn't working out" he said gently rubbing my shoulders as he held me in front of him.

"Why her?" I spat with venom laced within my words. "Justin don't be that way. It just happened okay. I never meant or purposely intended to hurt you this way" he said " but you said you loved me"
I spoke gently "I did, but I'm not sure I do anymore. I'm sorry".

"How could you!" I spat. I was beyond pissed, but could you blame me the man I claimed to love was practically telling me he doesn't love me anymore that just like that he's found another which of whom he's leaving me for. Funny how things change huh. One moment it's all kisses and I love you's and endless nights we spent conversing till the sun began to rise.

My heart ached at the thought of no longer having Jason by my side. He's choosing some girl over me. Since the day we met I've known Jason was bisexual. He's told me that before only making my insecurities far more worse. He could leave me for anyone and that's proven to be correct seeing the situation that has been placed before me.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. We started talking and one thing led to another and the next thing I knew our feelings had developed into something beyond a mutual friendship. I truly am sorry Justin. Could you please find it in your heart to forgive me. I'd still like to be in your life as friends." He held his hand out for me to take, but I just couldn't. I'd love to be able to still see Jason, but knowing he was no longer mine burned my insides. I wanted to desperately reach out for his touch. I was tempted to.

I felt my hand makes its way over to his before I quickly retreated my hand. "I can't Jason. I'm sorry. I can't do it." The hell was I apologizing for. "I understand." I wanted to cry so badly at this point. I can't describe exactly what I was feeling. All this was too much. The love of my life was leaving. I no longer felt the need to breathe. To live.

"No you don't" I chuckled bitterly. "You don't know what I'm feeling right now, and you'll never know. You're dumping me after four fucking years! Not the other way around Jason!" I was acting on impulse and I couldn't stop now. "Justin calm down" he said while trying to reach for my hand as I quickly backed up. "Don't you dare fucking touch me! Do you know how many times I've repeated to myself how I don't deserve you. I remember thinking someone like me couldn't have someone like you. There is someone better out there for him. Man or women. It was you who always told me otherwise! Now here's the twist. You're leaving me. What a sick fucking joke don't you think?" I laughed and empty emotionless laugh once again.

I shook my head "You know what. Leave." I pointed towards the brown wooden door of the loft we once shared. "Justin please don't do this" I looked up at him. "Don't fucking start. Get the hell out of my apartment and fuck that slut you're choosing I won't force you to stay. I never want to see you again" With that he took his suitcase and made his way towards the door his shoes making small noises as he walked on the wooden floor I hated so much.

"I'm so sorry Justin. I loved you please remember that. I care about you. I always will. I'll keep in touch. Goodbye" he said before closing the door behind him. As soon as the door made that click sound I dropped to my knees breaking down into sobs as I buried my face deep in the palms of my hands. I wanted to scream, to rip my heart out, anything to stop the pain. It just wouldn't go away.

I made my way into the kitchen only to go straight for the liquor cabinet. I let my fingertips roam through the smooth, cold bottles before making my choice. Not that I cared I just needed an outlet, something to make me forget even if it was for a little while because right now the pain deep within me felt like it would last me for an eternity.

I brought the bottle down placing it on the marble table feeling the cold surface as I grabbed a shot glass. I filled it up to the rim only to soon later chug it down completely and quite fast. That went on for about 10 or so more before I lost count. My head was spinning and I was starting to see everything as a blur.

I made my way into the living room throwing myself on the couch. I glanced at the table beside me only to find an old picture frame of Jason and I. It was taken back in the summer. We had gone to the park for a date and he had picked me up at one point planting a big kiss on my cheek. It had felt like such a long time ago. I took ahold of the frame rubbing my thumb against the smooth glass as I felt a tear drop fall from my eye and onto the frame. I was soon filled with rage as I held the frame tossing it across the room and hearing it shatter into pieces. "You bastard!" I screamed. "How could you do this to me" I began sobbing once agin.

I whimpered at the thought. I was once again drowning in my own pathetic emotions.


This one isn't necessarily a happy one. I'm sorry. I'm thinking about making a part two so if you would like to read that then comment and I'll see if I do. Thanks so much for the wait I'm so sorry school is stressful af and chorus is too much sometimes 🙃

See ya 😘

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