Kiss Me.

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Jason's Pov

We were currently spread out in a circle on the floor of my best friend's room. Of course us being the morons that we are decided to play a game of truth or dare. There were five of us. Derek, Jack, Justin and I. Fours guys I know. I'm completely aware that this game was bound to end on nothing but bad terms. It would only lead to disaster did we want to quit. Not a chance.

"Jack you go first" I pointed towards him as he had a sucker currently placed between his now swollen blue lips. "What the fuck. Why me?" He retorted "because dickhead it was your idea so you go first. Pick who you want to truth or dare ya. Don't tell me you want to be a little bitch and back out already." I teased. "Fuck you Jason" he said flipping me off in the process. "I'm right here baby. Anytime any place just you name it." I smirked clearly amused by all this.

"You're a pig." I couldn't help but laugh. He's hysterical. "Well oink oink then." I was having way too much fun with him. It's only been ten minutes and he already has me dying of amusement. "Okay I pick" he said placing his pointer finger on his check "Derek!" Let the games begin. "Me?" He said clueless "No shit for brains, my mom. Who invited this prick" hey I'm an asshole can you blame me. I could give two shits about two fucks.

"Calm down shit head. Okay I dare you to lick the toilet seat" he seemed pretty proud of himself for coming up with that one. Not for long. "Nice one. Where'd you get that dare from a gum wrapper" I said behind the back of my hand suggesting it to be a secret when that clearly wasn't my intention at all. I wanted him to hear and I knew damn well he had.

"Shut up" was the only thing he said. He was the worst at comebacks and the best to mess with. Well at least to me that is. Pretty soon Jack had gotten up and walked into his bathroom. We all watched from the doorway as he bend down to the same level as the toilet. He stuck his tongue out closing his eyes tightly before sliding his tongue slowly across the seat. Gross. I felt myself cringe all over.

I heard him gagging instantly making me feel like puking. He was no different. "Calm down asshole I haven't heard you gag that much since the last time I heard you sucking that dic-" "Jason right now is not the time. Oh shit I'm going to vomit" he said leaning over the sink running water over his tongue as if that would wash away all the events that took place.

"Okay back to the the game" I said rubbing my hands together once we were all seated back in his room. "Now it's your turn to pick Derek" he looked around the room looking at each of us closely. Justin sat across from me quiet as a mouse. He usually always was. He didn't speak much but he was pretty cool. We've known each other for a while now. And he's great to be around once you get to know him.

He's also one hot piece of ass. That sure is a bonus. "Justin" let's see where this goes. "Hmmm I dare you too.......go downstairs to where Jack's mother is and pull you're pants down and show her that shriveled up baby dick you've been sporting eh" there he was. I told you there was something about this boy that I loved. "I'm going to get you for this Bieber" he's so intriguing. That smirk of his makes me want to go over there and bite his lip off. Those eyes of his. Shit. I think I'm starting to feel a little tight around my dick area of you know what I mean.

We followed Derek down the stairs as we hid behind the living room hallway as he walked over to Jack's mother who was sitting in front of the tv screen. "Derek what is it honey. Shouldn't you be upstairs with Jack and the rest of your friends" I heard her say "uh yeah" I heard him choke up. " I just came down here too show you THIS!" He said pulling his pants to the ground. Jack's mom quickly jumped up from the couch throwing a pillow at him telling him how stupid he was being. He ran towards us as we tried to run up the stairs. Of course his dumbass tripped halfway up the stairs almost tumbling back down.

After making it back up into the room we tried to calm ourselves down trying to ease our laughter, but it was almost impossible "you dick now she's never gonna have me over here anymore" he said "And that's a problem because?" I found it way too amusing. "Let's just get this game over with. You're turn Justin. "Okay let's see. We only have one left. Jason. Go ahead."

I smiled this is going to be fun "Jason. You like to talk shit. Let's have you make something up" I heard Jack from behind me. I took this as an opportunity to fulfill one of my sick fantasies. "Justin I dare you to...Kiss Me." I smirked. "What!" He said as his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. "You heard me Bieber. I dare you to kiss me" I said pointing a finger towards me as I still had that same smug look on my face while slowly leaning into his face. Our faces centimeters apart. I saw him physically gulp. "O-okay" he seemed nervous only adding onto the adrenaline I was already feeling. I loved making him feel this weak around me.

He was inches away from me. His eyes looking directly towards mine. As his face made it's way closer to mine I took the chance and placed my hand on the back of his head crashing his lips with mine with such force. His lips smooth and so tasteful. Pushing his face further into mine with force that I pressed him up against the back of the side of the bed wanting more. Needing more.

I was slowly falling out of breath. We both stopped all movement as we just stared at one another. His lips now red and swollen. I'm sure mine are just the same. His cheeks now a dark shade of crimson, but he still managed to look so damn adorable. Is it bad that I still wanted to have another go.

"Come on you sick fucks. I don't need you two dick sucking each other in my room. Do that on your own time. Let's finish this game. Jason it's your turn" I winked towards Justin. I'm sure you're aware of what I was planing on doing next. I bet they all were by the smirk that took place upon my face. "I pick Justin" all he did was smile back at me. Something in me knew he knew what I wanted and he was going to comply.


Another one for you guys since I know I'm behind on updates. I hope you like it I have no idea how I managed to write this. Lol. It just happened. Let me know what you think

Love ya
Bye 😘

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