A Second Chance.

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(Continued from Scared.)

Give me a chance please" he begged "Jason, I don't know. You hurt me. You threw me aside and left like I was nothing. Like the years we had spent together had meant completely nothing to you. Now you come back asking for a second chance,
just like that?" I said as I felt tears brimming my eyes. "I know that Justin, and I want you to know that I'm completely sorry for the asshole I was back then. I thought that I had something with this person, when I was completely wrong about it. I never felt anything for her. It was all lust. I was getting from her what I thought I wasn't getting from you, and I know I'm not worth your apology,
but please give me a chance to show you how wrong and truly sorry I am."

I looked at him and something in his eyes showed me that maybe he wasn't lying, but I will not make the mistake of letting him off that easily. "Jason..." I sighed. "I'm not saying I'm willing to give you a second chance just like that, but I do feel the need to be completely honest with you. I've sort of been seeing someone."

Jason's Pov

My heart shattered at his words. I know I've hurt him deeply. No apologies would ever be enough. I should've seen it coming. He doesn't deserve the pain that I've caused him. Justin deserves to
move on. "Oh. Well I-I hope you're happy." I said softly trying to hide the pain I was feeling. "It's not like that. Yes he's helped me through a lot, and I thought I loved him, but I realized something.." I didn't get what he meant by that, but nonetheless I let him continue. "What was that?" I asked as he didn't look at me in the eyes. "A part of me couldn't forget you. The thought of you was always on my mind that I couldn't think of being with anyone else."

My heart pounded at the thought of him still thinking of me in that way. Did I still have a chance with him? No, right? "I don't know why I'm telling you all this honestly." He fiddled with his fingers as I heard him sniffle softly. "Justin...It's alright. I haven't been able to get you off my mind either. I didn't think I'd ever see you again actually" I said as I place my hands on his shoulders and rubbed my thumbs on them gently. "You mean the world to me and if you give me a chance I'm willing to show you just how much I love you. Let me show you, please"

Justin's Pov

I nodded as I my cheeks flushed as he brought me into a hug and the familiar feeling of warmth spread throughout my whole body. I felt like I was finally at home. I felt so at ease and dare I say safe and loved once again. The problem now was what was I going to say to James.


As soon as I got home I was greeted by the fresh smell of pasta. "Yumm" I walked into the kitchen only to be embraced by a very jolly James. "Hello there baby. How was your walk?" He asked as I took of my sweater and placed it on the coat rack next to the door. "It was good." He hummed. "How was your afternoon?" I asked "Ot was quite lovely, I went to the market to pick up a few things for the place and decided to cook you up a nice delicious meal." I felt guilt starting to eat me up inside. Despite not physically cheating on him, I felt like I had just by taking to Jason. It felt like I had gone behind his back.

"Justin? Baby? You alright? You look a bit pale, love" he said looking a bit concerned and the guilt started bubbling inside of me once again. I couldn't help the words that burst right through my mouth

"I'm so sorry James. I wanted to love you believe me, I did, but I couldn't. You were always so understanding and such a loving person, even being the mess of a person I was when you came into my life, but I don't deserve you. I've been consumed by endless thoughts of my ex. It isn't fair for you James, you deserve someone who's willing to give you their all." I said holding his hands in mine. "I'm sorry for all of this. You were always such a gentle and caring person. I care about you, I really do, but I can't keep lying to myself or you." I saw his green orbs fill with tears and my heart shattered. A single tear starting to cascade down his cheek, but I quickly wiped it away, refusing to let such a unique human being as him ever cry over someone like me.

"I'm so sorry James. Truth is.." I said sighing "I ran into Jason today and everything just came flooding back. Believe me I tried pushing him away, but there is always something about him that pulls me towards him and I can't drag you down. You deserve to be happy and loved by someone better than me. Trust me when I say I don't want to lose you; you're the best things that has ever happened to me. You're my best friend. I still need you in my life. Please tell me you'll still be on my life because without you I don't know what I'd do." I said sniffling. I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me and I began to sob into his neck. Resulting in him crying as well

"I sensed you weren't reciprocating you're feelings towards me, but I always thought that with time it'd be different and it'd turn into love." I pulled him back looking directly into his eyes "No! You should have never settled for that. You deserved to be happy. You should have moved on. I would have been fine. As long as you left still being my friend was all I needed."

"So now what?" He questioned "Do you want me to leave?" He said with a hint of sadness "No, god no. We can be roommates. We're still going to be friends aren't we?" I said watching him form that genuine smile of his. The one we're his teeth we're all ok display and you can get a full view of him dimples, which I always found quite adorable on him. Anyone would be lucky enough to fall in love with such a beautiful person as him.

"Of course Justin" I hugged him tight. "That settles it then. You're staying and I'll be taking you out later. Yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan" he smiles "great." I said pinching his shoulder lightly before going to the kitchen to eat.

To be continued...


I'm so sorry for the long wait. I've drifted so far off from here. I've written so much that I haven't posted in my free time. It's been hectic with all the college work and having time to myself and to write.

This chapter is long overdue. Hope you all enjoy it and I hope to write more

Thank you to all those who continue to read my books and all those just started to. It means a lot.

Bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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