Rooftop Fireworks

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Justin's Pov

It was the night when the sky would light up with all sorts of colors and everyone would stare up at the sky in awe. It was quite a sight to see actually. I never usually participated in that kind of thing but I did enjoy watching the sky and admiring the beauty of it all. That night I was gathered among some close friends who decided it would be a fun idea to just set some off and watch how they'd appear in the sky. I was quite excited. I've never done this sort of thing.


We were all huddle into a circle in the back of one of the guys house waiting for Jake to light the first one up. We watched it go directly up into the sky and explode into tiny little specs of blue and silver. It was such a sight to see. I couldn't help but look up at the sky in pure amazement.


Jason's Pov

I watched his eyes glisten as the light reflected upon them and his eyes glazed with admiration and without him thinking about his actions he licked his lips, glossing them over. He was just so beautiful I wanted to be closer to him. There was something about him that drove me wild, right to the point of insanity. His passion for life and the way he could have anyone laughing in a matter of seconds was beyond astonishing.

There was just something about his personality that was astounding. Being around him was such an honor. I'm sorry for sounding like such a sap, but I couldn't help what I felt for Justin. I've loved him for quite a while, but I've always been too afraid to tell him. You see I've skipped like a while ago and went straight to love, well because when you're around him it's completely difficult not to love him.

I figured now is the time to make a move, better now than never I should say. I made my way over to him as I felt my palms begin to sweat and my heart beat rapidly against my chest. "Hey Justin." I tried sounding as calm as possible. "Oh hi Jason, I hadn't noticed you I'm sorry" Ouch that stung. "It's fine. There's actually something I've been trying to tell you for quite some time now" I said as I scratched the back of my neck nervously "Yeah?" I breathed out trying to come up with a way to tell him.

"Um actually, do you think you could come with me inside real quick. I think it'd be better if we were alone somewhere where you could hear me, it's quite loud here so you know..." I said hoping he'd agree. He was a bit skeptical before answering "Um yeah sure."

I lead him inside the house before going up to a set of stairs that led up to the roof of the house. I figured why not. "Why are we on the roof?" I heard him question. "Well it's beautiful up here and it's the quietest place I know." I tried laughing a bit to lighten up the mood "Are you going to try and kill me, throw me off the roof or something" I laughed at his statement "Now why would I do that. Then what I'm about to tell you next will be of no use for me" I stated.

"Well okay then. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" I gulped as fear once again overtook my whole body. "Here goes everything, Justin for a while now I've looked at you and realized just how much of an impact you've had on me. Everyday I wake up with a smile on my face because you're the first thing that pops up in my mind. You're smile is beautiful I always want to see you that way. Happy. You're laugh is so contagious. The way you can lighten everyone's mood and day is something I'll never quite understand, but it's one of the many reasons why I adore you so much. Let's not forget your passion for life and how you view the world is miraculous. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I love you Justin. I've been dying inside trying to tell you this for so long. It's been killing me. It feels so good letting all that out and finally getting that off my chest." I breathed out.

His eyes looked straight at mine and once again I saw the glimmer in his eyes as they twinkled the slightest bit. His beautiful hazel eyes growing wide. "Are you serious?" He smiled big. "Of course Justin why would I lie to you after my pouring my heart out like that for you." I smiled back at him. He walked closer towards me, being only inches apart from each other. He brought his hand up and placed it gently on my cheek. I think I just died. "Well I think that was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. It's left me speechless, but I know one thing for sure. I've loved you too. You've just never seen it. You're incredible Jason, I've admired you for quite some time now and you've just proven my point just now." He said "And what that?" I said confused as I tilted my head to the side.

"That there's no way I'm ever going to get over you because the way you've described me is the exact same way I've always seen you, and without you knowing it, I've seen it all." I smiled as my heart exploded with so many emotions. I placed my hand on the back of his neck pulling him in for a passionate kiss as he tilted his head to the side deepening the kiss. His tongue on my bottom lip asking for a way in. My lips parting slightly, just enough for him to make his way in and explore my mouth. Our tongues dancing around. In the background a firework had gone off and you could hear the loud bang. Our lips breaking away to look up at the sky at the beautiful scene before us making the moment that much more magical.

I looked at him as his lips curved up into a smile. He looked back at me and said "I love you Jason." I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face "I love you too Justin." I pulled him in as I rested my forehead upon his as we looked into each other's eyes. "Justin, would you be my boyfriend?" I said as I looked at him awaiting his answer "Of course there's no one else I would rather be with than with you" with that I pulled him in for another kiss as the night was filled with more fireworks not only the ones being thrown that night, but the ones in my mind as I kissed him as my heart told me he was the one for me and I'm pretty sure he knew it as well.


I hope you all had a great Fourth of July. Thank you guys so much for reading and enjoying these short stories. I love writing them. I enjoy it. I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I've been doing some work and Wattpad has been crashing Alonso I've had to write this somewhere else and copy it onto here to update. Thanks for all the support and I appreciate the love I get on here. You'll see more of me soon. I'm going to be finishing up a quite demanded story that needs to be continued real soon.

Love ya 😘
Bye 👋🏼

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