Lets Ride.

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"You're pathetic. How can you not know how to skateboard?" I heard him say as he mocked for for what seemed like the thousandth time. "Shut up Jason, not everyone knows how to skateboard" I huffed pouting. "This is why no one likes you." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Me? No, everyone likes me" he said while popping his collar, all I did was roll my eyes. "That's not what I heard" I was obviously lying, like come one everyone loves Jason. He's so full of life and funny. Everyone loves being around him. I just wanted to make him angry for mocking me.

"What did you hear?" He practically jumped at me. "Oh nothing" I said casually. "Justin" he said dragging out my name. "Yes" I said as I looked at him like I've done nothing wrong when clearly I obviously did. Can you blame me? "You know what. Come on now tell me what you've heard." He said pleading for answers. "Calm down Jason. I was only kidding, sadly everyone loves you." I played around. "Now can you stop with all this nonsense and help me learn of you think it's so stupid that I haven't already."

"Sure. Look it's easy. Place one foot on the board and push yourself with the other then, once you're at a certain speed being up the other foot and place it on the board and just let it roll on. Got it?" I was lost after the first one. "Jasonnn I'm scared." I said. "Don't be. I'll be right here." He reassured me. "You promise?"I looked at him as he smiled back at me and when he did I felt something in my stomach. "Of course I do." I nodded as I placed on of my feet on the board and tried to hold my balance. It wasn't as easy as it seemed, especially with my constant fear of falling flat on my face ok my mind. "I'll hold onto you until you tell me to let go okay?" All I did was nod

He placed his hands at my waist as I tenses up a bit feeling these all too familiar tingling in my stomach. "You can let go" I told him after I started to feel a bit more confident about myself. "You sure?" He said. " I only nodded as I felt his hands take themselves off my waist and I was slowly moving on my own with Jason still walking behind me. "This is fun" I said while still feeling the board move when all of a sudden I made a bad turn and almost flew back when I felt myself land on top of someone. I turned around and caught his all too familiar mesmerizing blue icy eyes starting back at my hazel ones. "I'm sorry. I should have been more careful". I said getting up off of him "No, it's totally alright. You're learning and this stuff will happen. Why don't you give it another go" he said giving me that smile that I've caught myself thinking about a lot more lately.

"Sure" I said as he once again help me rightly by my waist as I pushed myself a bit trying to stay balanced at the same time. This was actually fun. I get why Jason said he found no reason as to why I have never tried this before. I sure have been missing a lot. "You're doing great Justin." I felt my chest tighten and my heats heat up as he spoke. He's always been so sweet and kind towards me. I think I'm beginning to catch feelings for this goofball. "Let go" I
Told Jason feeling way more certain of myself this time. "Are you sure" he said. "Yes" he let go of me once again as the board kept moving and I felt like I've accomplished something new today. "I'm doing it! Wooooo" I was happy. "Way to go Justin. You're doing great." I placed one foot on the ground stopping the board as I turned around to look at Jason.

All I did was stare at him as he did the same. He walked up to me still smiling when all of a sudden he pulled my face close to his planting a kiss upon my lips. I felt myself melt within the kiss as I felt his lips run against mine ever so smoothly. Our gentle breathing continued as he deepened the kiss pulling me closer into him of that were possible. A couple seconds later he pulled away and looked at me.
"I've always wanted to do that" I laughed. "Well what took you so long." He scoffed. "I think that's what I said when I first heard you haven't skateboarded." I playfully pushed him away from me as I walked away from him picking up the skateboard and waking in the opposite direction.

"Wait Justin, hold up." I turned around as I waited for Jason to catch up. "Yeah?" I watched him turn red as he scratched the back of his head. "Would you let me take you out tonight" I thought about it. "That would depend.." I said smiling while I internally
screamed at his question. "On what exactly?" I thought about it before speaking up. "Of you agreed to be my boyfriend" I blurted out. I watched as Jason's smile grew big and I slightly began to feel extremely confident about myself. "Deal." He said as he extending his hand to shake but all I did was pull him close and plant my lips once again onto his. After a few seconds I pulled away "pick me up at 8, okay" I said walking towards the direction to my home with a huge smile on my face. This day turned out way better than I had hoped. I not only learned something new, but I had also gotten myself a boyfriend. Who better than Jason.


I'm sorry sorry for the long wait. I've been busy with school and finals and prom that I haven't had time for much, but graduation is Monday and after that I'll have much more time to myself and writing. So I'm excited for that. I can't believe my high school years are done with.

Anyways I hope you've enjoyed this. Have you guys heard 2U yet. I love it. Justin sounds amazing. It's left me so emotional already.

Anyways I'll see you soon.
Bye 👋🏼
See ya
Love ya 😘

The Adventures of Jase and Jay ♫ Jastin ♫Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt