Post 8 - Alien Threat

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Greynar pulled Ryu down into the ravine they were walking along the rim of. To his credit, Ryu did not react tersely but instinctively understood that there was something wrong and stood silent, watching the direction the giant was staring at. His left hand automatically moved to his sword on his back, slowly unsheathing it. He could not see what had made the giant so cautious and alert. After peering hard for a couple of minutes, just about he was going to ask the giant what was wrong, he felt, rather than see, the ground trembling and a faint roar far away, as if a big group of Ptolantauns were trampling through the forest. Before he could ask, the giant answered him:

"More of those greenskins, boy. A lot more..."

 "A lot?"

 "You don't want to know. We must hasten."

 The concern in the voice of such a great warrior made Ryu worry more than he would normally do.

 “I want to know. What do you mean by ‘a lot’?”

 “OK, it’s not possible to estimate a too accurate figure but Orcs normally don’t go anywhere alone and when they go to any world, they don’t rest until they’ve wrecked the whole planet. You should expect at least several thousand of them!”

Having just witnessed the devastating fight between an Orc and the Space Marine, Ryu felt his heart sink at the sheer scale of the threat his world was facing. Also after seeing the Space Marine’s armor and gun, he had already understood how puny their own weapons were. Most were spears with wooden hafts and crude knives. Their effect on any of those creatures would be laughable. Member of a tribe of about 300 strong armed men who could fight, Ryu had made a quick assessment and decided that they could maybe stand against a score or so of those green-skinned monsters, but thousands?

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