Chapter 7

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Madelaine's POV.....................

I was sitting in my room, staring at the spotless white wall. I hadn't seen, nor heard about Zariah. I hadn't even seen Miles lately which made me suspicious as well. 

A faint knock on the door made me direct my attention to it's clear, white surface. Josh had been coming to see me lately. You know, like bringing me breakfast, coming to talk. It was weird but I wanted to know about Zariah. He had put us all on lockdown to our rooms. Us being myself and the new girls. I was getting worried, although when I asked him, he didn't answer as if he hadn't heard me. I didn't want to talk to Josh right now. There was a louder knock on the door which irritated me to no end. I sighed and rolled onto my back. Another knock on the door made me groan in annoyance. This knock was followed by a very unfamiliar voice.

"Madeline, please open up."

It was Marco's voice. I hadn't seen Marco for a while, it was kinda nice to hear his voice.

"Sorry, come in!"

I said in a hurry, I didn't want to miss this opportunity to talk to him.

The door slowly creaked open. Marco peeked his head around the door.  I smiled at his childish action. He entered, and without second thought, rushed towards me.

"Marco, I haven't seen you in forever, where have you be-"

He cut me off by hugging me. At first, this action shocked me, but I loosened up and finally hugged him back.

"Where have you been?"

I asked I a whisper, feeling tears of joy fill my eyes, and cloud my vision.

He let go of me and guided me to the bed. We both took a seat on the hard, cushion.

"Josh. He put me on lockdown. As a matter of fact, he even got new guys to watch the cameras, to all of the rooms. I even think they were guards. They were even watching the torture room."

I tilted my head at him.

"Torture room?"

I repeated looking at him in curiosity.

This was the first time I had gotten a good look at him. He had dark brown eyes that sparkled in the light. His medium length hair was brushed in a side wave across part of his face. His tan complexion made him look as if he was from a place like California of Florida. His muscular build was not too small, but not too big. Watermelon sized biceps was never really what I considered attractive. He smiled at me, showing his cute dimples. I blinked a few times to snap out of my daze. His smile was so cute.

"You didn't hear a word I said, did you?"

I focused back on his eyes and shook my head.

"No, sorry. Can you repeat that?"

He chuckled shaking his head.

"You're so cute when you have blonde moments."

I smiled sheepishly and bowed my head in embarrassment as I bowed my head, trying to shield my face from him, covering the blush that was escaping onto my face.

"Well, I am blonde. Now, tell me about the torture room."

He took a deep breath, and I let out a big breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Well, the torture room is where Josh goes to hurt, much less torture his victims. If he feels they have disrespected, made a fool of, or even disagreed with him, he takes them there to.... punish them."

I sighed and shook my head.

"Wow. Marco? Where do you think Josh is holding Miles and Zariah?"

I asked, concern filling my tone.

"I honestly have no idea."

He said sighing and running a hand through his long, brown hair.

Marco's POV.................

I studied her beautiful face as she sighed and shook her head.

Her beautiful golden hair shining whenever she moved her head. He stormy blue eyes held concern and pity for Miles and Zariah. She had a beautiful creamy, fair skin tone that made her look like a princess. She had a beautiful smile, and when she giggled or laughed, it sent shivers down my spine. I got butterflies in the pit of my stomach whenever she talked or smiled at me, whenever she blushed, or whenever she would bite her bottom lip out of nervousness. I tried to play it cool when I was around her, but inside I was going crazy. Worrying about the right things to say, the right positions to sit in. Everything made me nervous because I thought I would say or do something that would make her weird or awkward around me. I didn't want that, I wanted her to talk and laugh with me as if we'd known eachother forever. I smiled watching her beautiful face look around the room then back to me. It made me smile when she acted shy or quiet.

All of a sudden, a weird noise came from her and it sounded kinda like she farted.

My head shot in her direction to see her face, flushed in red from embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh! That was my stomach, I swear! I am just so hungry, oh my gosh!!"

She said, burying her face into her palms.

"It's okay, trust me."

I said chuckling.

"I'll get you something to eat."

I said getting up from her bed.

"Are you sure?"

She asked concerned that if I left, she'd never see me again.

"I'm positive, plus I am your assistant!"

I said heading out the door. I was gonna prepare a great meal for my princess.

Madeline's POV............

After he left, I face palmed myself for being so dumb. I looked down at my stomach and shook my head. My insides felt as if they were clawing themselves to shreds. I sighed, noticing that I had lost a lot of weight over the past month. My sweatpants were way too loose, my shirts were jumbo on me, and my stomach had been growling a lot lately. I sighed shaking my head, and lying on the bed, facing the ceiling. I was thinking about Marco's face. I smiled to myself and began laughing at my stupid stomach. I closed my eyes, waiting for Marco to come back soon.


(A.N) Hey guys! My reads have gone up a ton! Thank you guys so much! You are the best readers in the world, you don't know how much that means to me that you all are reading my story! (: Please vote and comment. Comment anything, I don't care I just want more comments! PLEASE! (: You guys rock and please keep reading, a lot of stuff is gonna be happening soon, so keep reading!! :) Love ya guys, Morgan... 

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