Chapter 14

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Zariah's POV……………..

I was sitting in the back of the squad car, trying to remember where I had seen Officer Bill before.

“Officer Bill? Where a-are we going?”

I asked, still shaking. I felt like I was going crazy. I was so paranoid, suspicious, and my brain didn’t seem to be in its normal condition. 

“To the station, sweetheart. Don’t worry you’ll be fine.”

He replied in a dull tone, no emotion in his voice.

“But I…I wasn’t the only one who was kidnapped. There were about twelve others. P…please, we have to save them!”

I pleaded, feeling tears threatening to come free. I had that lump in my throat that you have when you feel as if you’re about to cry.

“Like I said, I am here to keep you safe. You can tell me about it at the police station, sweetheart.”

He said, almost sounding annoyed.

“But I’m concerned for them! They are probably b…being t-tortured. Please help me!”

I half-screamed, feeling tears slip out of my eyes.

“Stop. Everything is going to be fine, now shut up, will you!?”

He got angry with me. I sat back in my chair and sighed.

“Not a very good cop.”

I mumbled under my breath.

I closed my eyes, wanting desperately to remember all I could to help me recall this man.

He was giving me the creeps, and I knew something was up. The tiny hairs on my neck were tingling and the hairs on my arms were sticking up, just like in the parking garage when all of this started.

I probably looked like a hot mess. My hair was matted and dirty, my skin was covered in dry blood and dirt, and my clothes were now baggy and bloody.

I probably also stunk, like really bad. I needed a shower, rest, food, my friends, and my family.

I don’t know why all of this happened. How could someone be so stupid, selfish, idiotic, and evil to kidnap girls and torture them?! I felt a pang of guilt enter my body. I had left my friends behind, in that desert. I left Miles, Madeline, Marco, Mary, and all of the others. I sighed just thinking about them. I felt so horrible for leaving, although it wasn’t my intention. I was gonna get the truck and pick everybody up. It would be faster than walking.

The car stopped after about an hour or so, I had fallen asleep for about thirty minutes before we stopped.

“We’re here, sweetheart.”

The cop’s raspy voice woke me out of my deep slumber.

“W-we are?”

I asked, yawning and stretching.

“C’mon, sweetie.”

He nearly pulled me out of the police squad car. I looked around. This wasn’t a police station. It looked like a facility exactly like the one we escaped from.

“Where are we?! This isn’t a police station, you said we were going to the police station!”

I panicked, feeling paranoid like never before.

“It’s a side stop, sweetheart.”

The cop latched onto my arm, dragging me away from anything that could help me.

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