Flame Wars

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Its now summer break. The 'ships' Deamus and Drarry are at Ron's and Hermione's little cottage. While Ginny is there.
"YOOUR WRONG MIONE! DEAMUS IS THE BEST SHIP!" Ginny yelled at her sister in law.
"NO!! DRARRY IS THE BESTEST!" Hermione yelled using a grammer knowledge of a 6 year old.
Harry was on the couch holding hands with Draco, watching as the women fought over which ship is better.
While, Saemus and Dean are making out. 'Who could be horny from all this yelling?' Draco thought as the women kept on telling which 'ship' is better.
Ron walked in and instantly Saemus and Dean stopped making out.
Ron let out a sigh and yelled as loud as Molly. "WILL YOU TWO STOP SAYING WHICH SHIP IS BETTER!!!!!!! ITS OBVIOUS THAT WOLFSTAR IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ginny and Hemione glared daggers at him.
The other four boys just looked at each other in confusion to wait 'wolfstar' is.
The two women and Ron continue to argue over which ship is better until, Draco whistles. All three fansgirls/fanboy looked at him.
"Please stop yelling, your giving me a head ache. And what the bloody hell is Wolfstar?"
All three weaselys looked at him in shock.
"Its Sirius and Remus!" They yell.
"Ooookaayy" the other four men said in unison.


Sirius and Remus are still alive, and wolfstar is also in this. I loved making this! It makes me laugh!

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