God Fathers

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Lupin:Draco, I'd watch out for your uncle Sirius.


Lupin:Just, trust me. It won't be pretty.

Draco:.... I believe you...


--Harry and Draco (I'm to lazy to give nicknames)--

Draco:Harry, your godfather is after me.

Harry:... Should I even ask? And at least he doesn't hate you. *cough cough* like Severous hates me *cough cough*

Draco:He doesn't hate you..... He just needs to.....warm up to you.

Harry:EXCUSE ME?!!! When we went to visit him, he said "Oh, Potter is your boyfriend?"

Draco:He was just surprised.

Harry: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Draco:It does.

---Snape and Sirius(yes I'm serious. DEAD SERIOUS!)---

Snape:... Black.....


Snape: it's obvious that our god children are serious about their relationship.

Black:IM SIRIUS! NOT THEM!(sorry had too). And your right.

Snape:So we have to TRY to get at least civil with eachother.

Black:I know I know.

Snape:......... Your actually taking this well.

Black:Oh. I'm not serious. This is Remus. Sirius would've said ALOT more puns then that. And he would have said ALOT of rude stuff.

Snape:Like what?

Black: And I quote "My hair is better then Snape's will ever be"

Snape:Meh. Anyway. Good-day.

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