First Kiss

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Love they say is blind.....for we do not look into the consequences of what we're doing in the name of "LOVE!!!!!"

Josh POV

Now Mariam is officially mine. Semestral break have come and I decided to go for a summer job in one of the best fast food chain in our country. This is to have extra money for school and dating.

"I can't believe now we're really in a relationship after few months of courtship. Now we're both on school break then I got to see her more often....not the once a week meet up alone."

Monday afternoon, Josh called up Mariam in their landline. He asked her if she's available on Wednesday because that is his day off from his summer job. He wants them to meet and have snacks. Mariam confirmed she's coming He is so happy coz he'll be with her girl again.

Mariam's POV

"I really am tensed and nervous after I answered him yes. What am I going to do and what am I going to wear. this what love's so complicated." She's now in deep thinking and restless.

"Wednesday afternoon came, I feel like going or not. But I cannot disappoint Josh now and he' s expecting for me. Though I love him too yet I still doubt what my feelings for him still."

It is almost time as they agreed upon they will go for the Mother of Perpetual Help Novena before watching a movie in the town theater. Josh came first and Mariam arrived next only after five minutes.

After the Novena, they started walking and chatting along their way to the theater. Josh keeps on holding Mariam's hand altogether. Coldhanded, she felt so uneasy for this move of his.

When they the movie theater, Josh released her hands and approached the counter to purchase their movie tickets. Mariam felt at ease now.

Before going inside, they bought popcorns and sodas. Then proceeded to take their seats on the balcony area. Movie trailers are still being shown on the screen when they get in.

Mariam on the other hand make herself comfortable on her seat but Josh, surprisingly took her hands again and held it for sometime. He looked at her face directly and thinking of something. Again she felt uncomfortable with the way he is looking at her.

He released my hands but then hold my right shoulder nearing his body to mine. It is happening so fast.....I was then munching popcorns. The gap between us is no longer there for our bodies are sticked together now.

He touched my face with his hands, like exploring something. Out of guard, he move his lips to mine as if trying to get entrance into my mouth. I am so surprised and opened my mouth, he started exploring as he entered his tongue into mine. As I am still shocked, don't know what to do, he tried to sip my tongue so I can feel him.

Without me realizing, I am exploring as well his mouth now and felt something in my body that I cannot explain. Things are going as I have not expected. I gave experienced my first kiss.... not simple but french kiss. I was almost out of breath after we did it.

He was actually touching my body now which I felt uncomfortable with because at the back of my mind I am thinking there are eyes around us looking. He kissed me on my neck, near my ears gosh I...I don't know what to do or feel for these are all new to me.

Author's Notes

Hello everyone this chap is quite long right but still I hope you will enjoy reading. Please vote and comment. Thank you again.

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