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Love yourself first before you love others.  Because if you don't love yourself how would you expect to express love to others. See how Mariam values her body for she loves herself and takes care of it.

Mariam's POV

Morning time came, I am having second thoughts of going out of my room afraid that my family might see the hickeys. My what am I going to do. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower. Then I change my clothes with my usual home outfit loose tops and shorts since it's summer I want to feel comfortable and free. As I combed my hair looking at the mirror still what I'm hiding were now visible because of my wet hair. Good thing I kept my room door locked so no one can just get in without my knowledge.

Josh POV

Josh on the other hand is now on duty at McDonald's in his summer job and about to go out to deliver their customers' orders. On his way to his motorcycle, he is still reminiscing of yesterday's date with Mariam. He knew too well he did make the markings on her neck. Talking to himself he said " I can't stop myself from making it out with her. Her scent still lingers until now and can't help it to mark her as mine. I love her. " After his deep thoughts he now proceeded to do his delivery so he'll be back soon.

Mariam's POV

I finished my breakfast in a swift without my family noticing me because I made sure no one is downstairs when I went to the kitchen and get my food. Gosh this thing is really driving me crazy and lost of thoughts.  I am dead once they find these hickeys on my neck. Mom and dad forgive me. I will just pretend I am not feeling well so I don't need to go down and have my lunch or dinner downstairs.  My what am I thinking. I hope they do not suspect anything.  Saying this to herself..." Josh, what have you done! I am now confined here in my room."

Afternoon came and no one called for me to have lunch. Maybe they are not around. I'll just read my book and carry on with my sickness act. Time passed by and I dozed off to deep sleep till 6pm. I didn't notice my phone is ringing and I saw Josh name on the screen. The angry me pick up the phone and say this to him..... but still in a modulated voice so as not my family hear our conversations. " Josh, why did you make these hickeys on my neck and now I can't get out of my room! " Saying this in a very disgusted tone.

"When I'll see you again you're dead for sure and this I will see to it you'll have your punishment, that you will never forget." Still the mad me talking. On the other line Josh is just listening and swallowing what Mariam is telling him. He knows he's at fault and cannot but in while she's talking boldly to him with disgust. For now he is thinking of what to do and  make amends with her.

Josh POV

He just sit still while Mariam is still talking on the phone. In deep thoughts and regrets for what he did on her neck. Josh didn't expect her to be mad like this to him. He's lost of words to say to her. Shaking his head and breath so deeply. Now he tried to but in...." Love, sorry if I have offended you with those marks. I was so carried away  and lured by your charm. Don't be mad now please and promise I will not do it again I swear. Love you." But then Mariam just kept quiet and didn't say a word when she heard him talking. On a bad mood still. Oh woman is still a woman at times very unpredictable and have mood swings. Nonetheless Josh deeply loves Mariam and can't get through with this situation he's into. Looks like she won't be easily swayed and forgive him readily.

Mariam's POV

I cannot just get on this and let this pass. This is the first time  I got really mad about things. Though I am touched by his words and relentlessly saying he loves me,  still I can't forgive him for what he  did. Maybe it will take time and I'm not ready to see him anyhow. He took advantage of my weakness and never thought how would I feel.


Guys I add this video just to show how Mariam would react when she's mad. I am supposed to update on Sunday but then I got inspired today during my break, I finished three paragraphs and now before I go to bed done with the last part of this chapter. Hope you'll like it. Happy reading.  Ms. Shaneeka this is for you. Thanks for your support.

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