First Day

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I stepped out of the car and looked around, feeling confident and conscious at the same time. The house in front of me looked both familiar and new. How many years have passed since I last came here? Probably 6. I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair. The last time I was here, it wasn't a memory I'd like to touch. A man in his late fifties suddenly appeared, pulling me back from my thoughts.

 I rolled my eyes, “About time you came, Uncle Ben.” I said, as a faint smile tugged my lips. I was never really the affectionate type. He ruffled my hair as I passed him and I complained, shaking his hand off.

 When we reached the front door, my good mood dimmed. A woman in her early 50's was standing there, looking at me. Her smile was warm and welcoming but it only made me sick. She's lived at this house with Uncle Ben as long as I can remember. I don't know what's the real score between them since I never bothered to ask about it but they weren't married for sure. And I never really liked her too. She seemed fake somehow. Still, being the polite girl I was, I flashed her a smile and stepped into her arms as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

 “You've grown up.” said Tessa as I stepped out of her arms. “But still pretty.” She pinched my right cheek.

 I gave her a sour smile before I could stop myself and rubbed my cheek. I'm turning 18 in less than a month for God's sake and adult are still pinching my cheeks. So I had to admit, I didn't look exactly 18 with my slightly chubby cheeks and short stature. I was only 5'1 and even though I constantly joked that I'll hit a growth spurt anytime soon, I highly doubted it. I used to be insecure about this fact, looking younger than I really was, but overtime I've gotten used to it. Though I'd rather be called pretty rather than cute any day.

 Tessa, seemingly unfazed by my reaction, chattered as she led me to the room where I'll be staying for the summer. Not that she needed to, the house was pretty small and even with my total lack of sense in direction, I doubt I'd get lost anytime soon. I let my eyes wander as she talked, nodding my head or smiling once in awhile to show that I was still listening. I inhaled the familiar scent that enveloped me.

 I was thoroughly relieved when Tessa left me in my room to get settled. Having to fake interest really wasn't I like to do, though I've had plenty of practice. Still, I knew I only had a matter of minutes before her or Uncle Ben burst through my bedroom door so I just laid there on my bed doing what I did best, daydreaming. I kicked off my shoes as I wandered about the possibilities that would be awaiting me this summer. Were my childhood friends still here? If they were, would we be able to hit it off like before? I sighed. I just hoped that I made the right decision by coming back to this place.

 I knew my uncle missed me and that was why I decided to spend the summer with him. My sister was supposed to be here with me but she got a job offer, one she couldn't refuse and I really didn't want to break my promise, so here I was, spending the summer with my uncle and his girlfriend, I guess. My eyes fluttered close as I relaxed.

 I opened my eyes and almost fell off my bed, taken aback by the boy sitting in front of me. I heard him chuckle as I fixed myself up. My glare shut him up but he still had that easy smile on his face. I studied him not even bothering to do it inconspicuously. I was never good at inconspicuous things anyway. Just like everything else, he looked familiar and new to me.

 “Do I know you?” I asked slowly, still studying him. He was a bit tanned and had dark black hair that was slightly brown, from all the sunlight I supposed and his eyes were also dark brown, almost black actually. He was cute, I guess.

 He flashed that easy smile again but I could see disappointment in his eyes, “What do you think?” He asked, as he leaned back on his chair. I suddenly became aware of the sunshine streaming through the windows.

 “What time is it?” I asked as I stood up from bed.

 “I don't have a watch but almost lunchtime.” He cocked his head, “You're quite the sleeper.”

I turned back to him, my eyes narrowing as another realization hit me. “You were watching me sleep, weren't you? Are you some kind of stalker or something?”

 He only rolled his eyes at my accusation, “Sure I am. As a matter of fact, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you drool in your sleep.”

 “I do not drool!” I protested, subtly checking the corners of my mouth. I don't usually drool but there have been a few times that I have.

 He smiled, knowing he got to me. And maybe it was that all-too familiar look in his eyes or the way his lips curved up into that smirk, that I found myself suddenly remembering who he was

“Jason?!” I gasped, “You're Jason, right? Jason Baker.”

 “Oh, so you remember me? What a relief! I was really worried that you'd forgotten all about me.” He laughed at himself and stood up. All these years, all these years and he was still the same teasing Jason.



 “Promise me you'll never become an actor.”

Now, it was his turn to scowl and I laughed. I missed you. I wanted to say but as I've said before, I wasn't the affectionate type so I settled for a smile. His features softened and he smiled back. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a bad summer after all.

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