Chapter 2

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As it turns out, Jason was “sent” by Uncle Ben to come and fetch me from my room and was just about to wake me up, when I beat him to it. And now, I found myself leisurely strolling beside him as he showed me around town, as requested by Uncle Ben since he had work that day. And he knew my feelings for Tessa so he didn't dare suggest she go with us.

 For the second time of the day, I found myself studying Jason. He was the same and yet, also different. He still had the same features, definitely but they've become sharper somehow. Making him look more mature and manlier. As for his attitude, absolutely nothing has changed. He was still the easy-going kid I knew. The one who loved to tease me.

 “Why don't you just take a picture? Then you could stare at me even when we're not together.” He looked down at me, a cocky smile playing on his lips.

 I rolled my eyes. I can't believe he was actually cute awhile ago. He laughed, “Still too witty for you, huh?”

 “Sure.” I answered, using my best weapon as defense, sarcasm.

 “You still haven't changed, have you?” He murmured.

 I looked up and saw something in his eyes, but before I could decode the look he gave me, he abruptly looked away. “Do you remember that place?” He asked pointing to a store that we were apparently heading to.

 “No, should I?” I asked, frowning.

 He sighed, seemingly frustrated by my faulty memory. “We used to eat there all the time.”

 I shrugged, “I don't remember.” Jason suddenly stopped walking, grabbed my shoulders, and spun me to face him.

 "What?” I asked, feeling annoyed and conscious over the proximity of his face.

 He stared into my eyes and pride forced me to stare back, even though I wanted to look away. He frowned, “By any chance, did you get into an accident and hit your head or something?”

 Pushing his hands away, I stepped back and gave him the most incredulous look I could muster.

 "What? It was either that or you had a serious brain defect.”

 I opened my mouth to snap at him but he held up his hands and cut me off, “I'm just concerned, that's all. You've only been gone for a few years and it seems you've practically forgotten everything.”

 “Haven't you taken into consideration the fact that a few years ago, I was only a kid?”

 “We're the same age, and I remember everything.”

 “Point out the obvious, why don't you? You live here for God's sake.”

 He chuckled, “You really still haven't changed. You still get too pissed off easily.”

 “I do not! Hey, come back here! How dare you walk away from me when I'm still talking?! Jason!”

“C'mon, you're still not pissed, are you?” Jason said, settling down in front of me. “Look, I even bought you ice cream for a peace offering.” He smiled at me, humor dancing in his eyes. He wasn't taking me seriously at all.

 I glared at him, his smile only widened. He pushed the bowl of ice cream towards me as I looked away The ice cream's scent wafted to my nose and I looked down in surprise. It was vanilla, my favorite ice cream flavor. I threw Jason a questioning glance.

 “I have a good memory.” He shrugged, concentrating on his own bowl of ice cream.

 I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off once again as he stuffed a spoonful of vanilla ice cream into my mouth. I scowled and he laughed, returning back to his ice cream. I was just about to say that I was quite certain I never ate ice cream with him before, especially since we only had really spent one summer together. I let it go, maybe it was just my memory going haywire again.

 “Kara? Kara Lewis? Is that really you?”

 I looked up and my mouth hung open, full of ice cream and all. This was a dream, wasn't it? I mean, it's impossible that this absolutely gorgeous guy actually knew my name. He had dark blonde hair that contrasted with his impossibly, light brown eyes. He was also staring at me, as if not quite beleiving I was there. You and me both, pal. You and me both.

 From a distant part of his mind, I heard Jason clear his throat. The guy tore his eyes away and turned his attention to Jason. I used the oppurtunity to swallow the ice cream and dab a napkin at the corners of my mouth.

 “Nathan.” Jason nodded, his face solemn but his eyes saying otherwise. The guy he called Nathan cracked a smile and they did hi-fives.

 “Before you ask again, the answer is yes. Kara Lewis is the girl sitting in front of me.” Jason said, gesturing towards me.

 “You're so selfish. You weren't really trying to keep her to yourself, were you?” He said coolly, but his eyes softened when he met my gaze.

 Jason chuckled, “I would say you caught me, but no way dude. She's not even my type.” He threw a look of disgust at my way and I made a face back.

 Nathan smiled, “Then I guess you won't mind if I decide to borrow her for awhile?” His eyes were full of humor, he was clearly teasing Jason.

 I stared at Nathan. Was he another one of my childhood friends? If so, why don't I remember him? If he looked as he did back then, there was no way I could have forgotten about him. Unlike Jason, Nathan seemed so calm, collected, assured of himself. With the way he carried himself, I knew his family was well-off.

 “What?” Jason asked dumbly. “I don't care, honestly. But I promised Uncle Ben I'd show her around and you know I've got a soft spot for the old man.”

Nathan smiled, “Ok. Then can I join you then?” He wasn't asking Jason this time, he was asking me. I didn't trust my voice so I only nodded my head. His smile only became more dazzling at my approval.

 “I'm sorry but I don't remember you.” I blurted as he took a seat beside me. One of his brows shut up in surprise but he recovered quickly, and unlike Jason, he didn't seem bothered by my failed memory skills. Actually, he even laughed. A soft, velvety sound. He strangely reminded me of Edward Cullen, the book version, not Robert Pattinson. I've always been Team Jacob.

 “I don't blame you. It was years ago since we last saw each other.”

 I shot Jason a look, See? He understands. Jason only snorted and returned to devouring what was left of his ice cream.

 “I'm Nathan, Rachel's cousin. Does that sound familiar to you?”

 “It does, actually. Rachel...she, was my neighbor before, wasn't she?”

 Nathan nodded, his eyes lighting up with hope that I would remember him.

 “Cousin....You.” My eyes widened, “You're that Nathan?! That.... No way!” I stared at him, how did he go from that to this? Seeing Nathan today, you wouldn't think he was actually thin as a stick when we were kids. We didn't really get along when we were younger. We fought a lot actually, with him ending up crying. Weird, I know. Especially since he was also older than me. If I knew he was going to grow up to such a fine, young man I would've treated him better. His cousin Rachel used to be my neighbor at another house, in the same town. And he used to come every summer to visit and being kids, we instantly became playmates.

 "Glad you remembered me, “ He said, his smile teasing. I automatically smiled back. This is definitely gonna be an interesting summer.

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