Chapter 11

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The next night was horrible.

Falling asleep was easy but being asleep was another thing. No less than a second of closing my eyes, I was immediately succumbed into the world of nightmares, and I would wake up out of breath each time.

Finally, after much hesitation and reluctance, I went and entered Jason's door. No use in knocking, he'd barely hear it anyway. I woke him up and was surprised to hear him easily accept my offer, but maybe it was just because he was half-asleep. And that was how we ended up having a sleepover in my room, minus the sleep. But it was one of those moments, that things don't go exactly as planned, and we both ended up falling asleep anyway.

Me in my bed and him in the chair. I woke up first and when I looked over him, I can't help feeling a bit guilty. No doubt he'd feel sore when he woke up, so I decided to do something nice for him. I was going to make him coffee. I may not be a good cook but I could so something simple as that.

But my plan backfired as soon as I entered the kitchen and saw Tessa there. I planned on quietly leaving but she noticed me, of course.

“Good morning, Kara.” She smiled. “Had a good sleep?”

I nodded and forced a smile. Her cheerfulness was irritating. I did a little wave of goodbye and turned to leave when she spoke again, “Do you mind helping me with breakfast?”

I suppressed a sigh. Again, how clueless can she get? If only I wasn't such a nice person, and if only Uncle Ben had made me promise to be nice to her, I would've flat out rejected her and left the room. If only. I dragged my feet to where she was standing, trying not to frown.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked.

“Could you crack some eggs and beat them?” She asked as she opened the refrigerator and took out some vegetables, “You can do that, right?”

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer. Instead I followed her orders. After awhile the awkward silence got to me, “So what are we having?”

“Vegetable omelet and apple pie.”

I peeked at her. Was she trying to bond with me? I mean, she would've done all of that easily without my help. I crossed my arms and leaned on the door frame, as I watched her cook the omelette. “So...can I go now?”

“Actually, Kara, I've been meaning to ask you something.”

“Okay...” I straightened up a bit, preparing myself for her question. I watched as she finished the omelette and then finally turned to me.

She leaned against the counter casually, “So, what do you think of Jason?”

My brows shot up. “What?” I answered intelligently.

She smiled. And then I suddenly remembered how she had walked in on us the night before. And I never really got to explain things to her. I was right. She was going to have the wrong ideas. Still, I can't help feeling uncomfortable, that she thought Jason and I were sleeping together. As if.

I cleared my throat and uncrossed my arms, “We're friends, that's all.”

“Oh?” She cocked her head.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, “Yes oh. Nothing more, nothing less. Seriously, Tessa, you actually think I'd like Jason?” I didn't know why I was getting so defensive. “He's so... so....”

“So what?”

I froze.

“What's wrong, Kara? Cat got your tongue?” Jason asked behind me. I didn't answer him and mumbled something about having to go take a shower before leaving the room.

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