Chapter 12

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I hummed as I made me way upstairs and entered my room. Without bothering to turn on the light, I took off my shoes, clothes, and set down my bag on the table.

“Enjoyed your date?”

I jumped and whirled around to where the voice came from. Which, if my hearing was accurate, was next to my bed.

“Jason! What are you doing here?!”

“What else? Sleeping over. I wasn't exactly looking forward to being woken up in the middle of the night like last time.”

At the mention of last night, I suddenly felt guilty again.

“It's weird talking to you in the dark like this. Hold on, I'll turn on the lights.”

I heard the rustling of sheets as Jason disentangled himself from his position and stood up. At the last minute, I suddenly remembered one big flaw in his plan, I had no clothes on except for my underwear!

And just to display how quick-witted and level-headed I could be in situations like these, I jumped in his way only to trip and fall.

Instinctively, I closed my eyes and threw out my arms, preparing myself to hit hard ground. I heard a grunt and I finally landed. It was hard, yes, but to my surprise it didn't hurt one bit. And it was... warm? What the?

“Kara? Are you trying to seduce me?”

It was then that I realized that it wasn't the ground I had fallen on but Jason. And another thing, I could feel his arms around my body which meant he had just found out that I was barely clothed. I jumped up from him and hurried to my closet where I threw on whatever clothes I could find.

“I'm going to get some water.” I announced before quickly leaving the room. I only said those words because if I didn't, Jason might follow me. I returned to the room only an hour late and as quietly as I could I stepped over Jason and slipped under my covers.

I sighed with relief and was starting to get comfortable when Jason spoke, making me jump.

“You know, I could care less about your body.”

And despite my embarrassment earlier, I couldn't help asking, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Well, you know, we're friends. I've known you for years. Granted, we've been separated for quite sometime but still and besides you're not much to look at anyway.”

I shot up from bed and chucked a pillow at him. “H-how dare you!”

Jason chuckled which only served to make me angrier. Not knowing what to say, I slumped back in bed .


I didn't respond.

“Kara, I was just joking, ok? You're---well, I was just joking.”

“No wonder you've never had a girlfriend.” I muttered bitterly.

“How did you know that?”

I am such an idiot. Why did I have to say that? Now I have to answer him without letting him know Chloe has been talking about him.

“Well—uh-- Chloe told me.” I answered. Way to go, Kara.

“So what do you think your reason is?”

“You can be a really annoying jerk sometimes.”

Jason snorted. “That's your theory?”

“What? It makes sense! No girl would like to have a jerk as a boyfriend. Unless they're sadistic or something.”

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 29, 2012 ⏰

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