Chapter 7

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I woke up, feeling well-rested and happy. I've been waking up like this for a few weeks now. I still had the nightmares but it had changed somehow. Instead of the usual, horrible ending that would wake me sweating and breathless, I would find myself in another place, surrounded by flowers, with the sun embracing me with its warmth, waking me feeling happy, safe, comforted.

I put on a white tank, jeans, and slippers and left my long, brown hair flow around my shoulders as I made my way downstaurs. It was still pretty early for a Sunday, 6AM to be exact, and I was the only one awake. By the sound of the snores coming from Uncle Ben and Tessa's room, they wouldn't be awake for more than an hour or two.

I strolled into the kitchen and looked around, wondering where I could get some ready-to-eat food. Seeing as I was a complete fail as a cook. I went over to the refrigerator and bent down as I surveyed the contents inside: A bottle of milk, a carton of orange juice, a loaf of bread, and a jar of peanut butter. It didn't surprise me at all, knowing that the freezer was full of beef, chicken, fish and other frozen goods. When you were as good a cook as Tessa, which I will never admit, you didn't need to have much ready-to-eat food available. To be honest, I think these were all bought just for me, hence the small number.

I sighed and was about to grab the milk and bread, when a voice startled me and I bumped my head at the top of the ref. I closed the ref, food in my arms, as I turned to find Jason who was leaning against the counter across me. He obviously just woke up with his tousled hair and wrinkled clothes, but it seemed he was anything but sleepy judging by the amused sparkle in his eyes.

“Is that breakfast?” He nodded towards the piece of bread I was now chewing on.

“Good morning to you, too.” I said. “And no, this isn't breakfast, just something to fill my stomach.”

“Go wait at the living room.” He said as he unfolded himself from his position. I looked at him, “Wait for what?”

“Breakfast, of course.” He said as he grabbed a carton of eggs from one of the many cupboards over the sink. “I'm hungry and I don't trust your culinary skills.”

Normally, I would argue with him despite the fact being true, but I was in an agreeable mood and it was clear that a piece of bread wasn't going to be enough, so I quietly left him to his own device.

Jason was actually a decent cook.

I sat in my usual chair as he sat across me. It was quiet, aside from the passing vehicles and people.

“So, what are your plans today?” Jason asked.

I shrugged, “No plans. Just gonna look around the stores.”

“How's the food?”


“Just fine?”

I looked up and found myself laughing at the incredelous expression on his face, accidentally spraying him bits of food that I was chewing. “Kara.” He groaned as he wiped his face with a paper napkin, which only made me laugh harder. “Sorry.”

He frowned at me, “Seriously though, just fine? That's all you're gonna say?” I looked at him, he was actually taking this seriously and I pointed it out to him. He didn't say anything.


He looked at me and sighed. “Don't laugh, ok?” I nodded. “I want to be a chef and have my own restaurant someday.”

I stared at him, surprised at this relevation. I suddenly felt bad that I used to think Jason was the sort of guy who just lived in the moment, with no real goals.


“You don't need to say anything.” He interrupted. “I appreciate your honesty.”

“Jason, wait!” I blurted as he made a move to stand. He turned his head to look at me, “Actually, it was good. Really good.”

His expression was disbelieving but his eyes was hopeful. “Really?”

“Really.” I smiled, “So, is your summer job related to this dream of yours?”

He sat back down, shaking his head. “No, it's not related at all.” Judging by Jason's tone he wasn't comfortable with this topic so I decided to let it go, just as soon as I get a particular question out of the way.

“It's not illegal if that's what your thinking.”

“How did you--?”

He laughed. “I know you, Kara. You might have forgotten about me but I still remember you quite well.” And the look he gave me was so warm and fond, that I can't help feeling shy suddenly and I looked away.

“So, any name for your restaurant yet?” I changed the topic.

He smiled and we spent the rest of the morning, brainstorming about probable names. Most of which were too silly or weird to even consider.

You'd think after our bonding moment, that Jason and I would suddenly be close friends again but it only seemed to have the opposite effect. We were awkward around each other, and I had this distinct feeling that he was avoiding me. This conclusion only hurt my pride, so I acted like I could care less, even though I was dying to know what was going on with him.

I didn't have much time to dwell on it though because I pretty much spent my time outside. Usually with Nathan or Maddy and Chloe, sometimes all three of them. This day, I was with Maddy and Chloe. We were out shopping for dresses that Maddy was going to throw. She called it a late welcome party for me. Everyone who I've crossed paths with when I was younger was invited.

“Is my brother going to be your date for the party?” Maddy asked. I was so used to her frank demeanor that I didn't become flustered when she asked me such questions.

“I don't think so.” I said quietly, hiding the fact that I was pretty disappointed. I mean, just because, Nathan and I would hang out sometimes didn't mean he actually liked me as I liked him. Maybe he was just being friendly to me since we shared some kind of past.

“Don't worry.” Chloe said, “I'm sure he'll ask you soon.”

I smiled weakly. “I don't want to get my hopes up. How about you? Have you gotten Jason to ask you yet?”

Chloe sighed. “No. I've dropped hints, you know. I wasn't even being subtle but to no effect.” I looked at Chloe, remembering what Jason said about her confessing last year. I felt a tiny urge to ask her about it, but decided to drop it as she was already feelung down.

“Looks like, Maddy's the only one with a date.” I changed the topic. Maddy had a boyfriend, Seth, who she'd been seeing for over a year now. With his good looks and tall height, he was every photographer's dream but Seth wasn't interested in being in front of the camera. He'd rather be working behind the scenes, a director in fact and Maddy never failed to remind him how he was just wasting his looks. He would just laugh and brush it off. Maddy didn't say it but it was obvious she was actually proud of Seth.

“He's not coming.” Maddy said. “Had another engagement.” She shrugged it off like it was nothing but if you listened well enough, you could hear a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“Let's just be each others' dates then!” Chloe suggested, laughing. “We don't need boys to have fun.” Trust Chloe to be able to lighten any atmosphere.

“Speaking of boys, I think you'll turn a few heads at the party, Kara.” Maddy nodded approvingly as I stepped out of the dressing room, wearing a silver, one-shouldered dress.

“You think so?” I smiled as I did a little twirl for them.

“So pretty.” Chloe said, her eyes wide in awe. I laughed, “I think both of you are gonna turn some heads too.”

“touche.” Maddy fluttered her long lashes and we laughed.

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