Chapter 4

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“No!” I yelled, shooting up from bed. I breathed heavily as beads of sweat formed in my forehead. It was just a dream, I told myself, just a dream. I shakily reached for my cellphone. Once I had it in my grasp, I checked what time it was, it was only 5AM. I covered my face with my hands as I tried to calm myself.

Tears streamed gently down my face. I kept repeating to myself that it was a dream, only a dream but who was I kidding? The images were too clear, too vivid. It wasn't just a dream, it was a memory. A memory that I constantly tried to shove into the deepest corners of my mind.

Once I felt I was stable enough, I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. No use in trying to get some sleep now, I still felt too tense about what I saw. At the same time, I didn't want to sleep anyway. I really wasn't up too seeing those images again. After splashing cold water across my face, I looked up and saw a girl. Her blue-green eyes were wide, her skin pale, her lips slightly trembled. I took another deep breath and looked away from my reflection.

Half an hour later, I found myself jogging at the park. I promised myself I would try to be fit this summer and I just found the perfect opportunity to follow through that promise. The more I sweat, the closer I was to washing away the events of the morning.

“Hey.” Someone said as he fell into step with me.

I looked to my right and saw Nathan grinning at me. “Hey.” I echoed, smiling back.

"Didn't expect to see you here.” He said.

“What? Don't I look like the fit type?” I teased, noticing that he had slowed down so we could talk.

“Nah, more like the girl who can eat everything and not gain weight type.” He winked at me and I laughed, “I wish.”

“Are you hungry?” He asked, “Cause I am.” Not bothering to wait for my answer, he grabbed my wrist and led me to Al's, the same cafe where I met Maddy and Chloe a few days ago.

“So, what made you come back?” Nathan asked, glancing up from the menu in his hand.

I shrugged, “Just visiting.” I said, inwardly surprised at how cool and casual I sounded despite the drumming of my heart.


“Uncle Ben, who else?” I answered, meeting his eyes.

He gazed at me for a few seconds, making me feel squirmy inside, before returning back to his menu. “Oh.”

I frowned, trying to decipher what that oh meant. Was it a disappointed oh or was it a I-have-nothing-else-to-say oh but before I could come to a conclusion, he looked up and smiled and a thousand butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I was too caught up gawking at him that it took me for awhile to realize that he was motioning for me to order.

I turned away, cheeks heating up. “Pancakes, please.” I mumbled.

“Make that two.” Nathan smiled, “As for the drinks, coffee for me, and for the lady...” He trailed off, looking at me.

“Tea, please.” I said. The waitress jotted down our orders then hurried away. “For the lady?” I raised an eyebrow.

“What? I'm trying to be a gentleman.” And his expression is so perplexed that I can't help laughing.

When I finally stopped, I found him staring at me. “What?” I asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious and stupid.

“Nothing.” His eyes bore into mine. “It's just.... I've always thought you had a pretty smile.”

“Nathan Anderson, don't you dare fall in love with me.” I teased, laughing despite the fact that I was actually feeling pretty flustered and giddy. Don't forget giddy.

This time Nathan laughed along, “Is that a challenge?” His eyes glinted, his lips curving into a smirk.

I didn't know how to react so I just smiled and lifted my shoulders. Thankfully, the food came right at that moment, so Nathan didn't have the chance to find out how flustered I really was. Nathan took me home after we finished.

“You eat breakfast together now?” Jason asked as I stepped inside the house. Seeing him, my goofy smile instantly vanished, to be replaced by a scowl.

“None of your business.” I said. “And what are you doing here?”

He shrugged, “I told you I like eating breakfast here.”

I rolled my eyes. Determined not to let him ruin my day, I chose to keep my mouth shut and take a shower instead. Just as I was to climb up, he cleared his throat and called me. “So, you busy later?”


“Uncle Ben asked me to show you around, of course.” He said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Actually, I don't think that's necessary. I have plans today.” And before I can even stop myself, I smiled at him.

“Oh really? With who?”

“Maddy and Chloe.” I answered, attempting to climb up the stairs again. I heard him say “good.” before I fully disappeared from view. I rolled my eyes. He must be so happy to get rid of me.

“So, I heard you had breakfast with my brother.” Maddy said, her tone casual but her eyes saying another story.

I shrugged, “We just bumped into another, that's all.” I said, hoping to look like it wasn't such a big deal.

“No way!” Chloe appeared, clutching a mini black dress. “You and Nathan?” Her brown eyes wider than usual.

“It was just breakfast.” I smiled, not because of Nathan but because how Chloe looked like such a kid. “You gonna buy that?”

“Nah.” Chloe scrunched her nose. “I don't think it's going to look good on me.” I felt a rush of relief at my successful attempt in changing the topic.

“You know, if you want to date my brother, it's ok.” Or not. “Even though it's totally creepy. Just please, spare me the details.”

I laughed, understanding how she felt. “It wasn't a date, you guys. And besides we're just friends.” It's not like I didn't trust them or anything, it's just I wanted to keep my crush to myself for awhile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them share a look then turned their heads towards me. They're expressions clearly saying that they weren't buying my story. I sighed, turning to meet their gaze. “Look, just forget about it. It's nothing. I swear.”

“If you say soo.” Chloe said, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “Anyway, if ever, you know, someday you start to have feelings with Nathan and he reciprocates your feelings, then we could go on a double date!” She squealed.

“You have a boyfriend?” I asked. Sure, Chloe was cute but somehow she struck me as the daydreaming, little sister type.

Chloe smiled, “Yup. He just doesn't know yet.”

I'll say.” Maddy snorted. “The guy's clueless.”

I smiled, raising my brows. “So who is this mystery guy, exactly?”

Chloe scooted to my side and whispered, “Don't laugh, ok?” I nodded. “It's Jason. ”

“What?!” I dropped the top I was contemplating on buying. “As in Baker?!”

Chloe nodded, her cheeks turning bright pink. I gaped at her. How could sweet Chloe fall for someone like Jason Baker? No way am I going to let that beast corrupt my friend. I have to find a way to stop this, no matter how it takes.

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