Chapter 9

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When I opened my eyes, it was already morning. I looked over to my side and saw a glass of water sitting on my bedside table. Before I could even wonder where it came from, someone spoke.

“You should drink it.”

I looked beyond the glass and saw Jason sitting on the chair he had sat on the night before. He looked tired, as if he had barely gotten any sleep. I struggled to get up, my head weighing like a ton, and in a flash Jason was there, helping me sit up and chug down the water.

“Thank you.” I said as he took the glass from me.

“No problem. Breakfast will be ready soon, so you should get up and wash yourself.” He started to walk away.

“Jason.” He stopped, his hand already on the doorknob. “We're ok, right? We're friends.”

I thought I saw him tense a little, but when he turned back to me, he wore an easy smile. “Of course, why wouldn't we be? And as a friend, I'd like to tell you, you look terrible.”

I laughed. “I appreciate your honesty. Now, go away before I push you out of my door.”

“As you wish, m'lady.” He dipped his head and left the room.

“Good morning.” I smiled at everyone, including Tessa, as I settled down.

“Good morning.” Tessa smiled back, obviously pleased that I had greeted her.

“Are you busy today?” Uncle Ben asked, taking a sip of coffee.

“No. Why?” I scooped up some eggs and bacon, feeling ravenous. I totally forgot to eat last night with everything that's happened.

“Well, I was thinking, it's a nice day. So why don't we head on over to the park and have a barbecue? Just like old times.” Uncle Ben said. I was surprised that he actually sounded a bit worried, as if I'd reject him and I suddenly felt guilty, knowing I really hadn't spent much time with him.

I smiled. “I'd love to, Uncle Ben.” He smiled back, relaxing.

“We invited your friends too.” Tessa said. “Chloe, Maddy, and Nathan.”

At the sound of Nathan's name, I immediately lost my appetite. I could feel Jason's eyes on me. “That would be great.” I forced a smile. Tessa smiled, seemingly pleased with herself for thinking of inviting them. Oh, how wrong was she. Again, how clueless can adults get? Even if a small voice behind my back is telling me she only had good intentions and couldn't have possibly know what had happened at the party, I still can't help feeling a little annoyed.

When they focused back on their own meals, Jason slightly nudged me with his elbow. I looked over at him and found a question in his eyes: “Are you alright?” I flashed him a smile and discreetly nodded then quickly looked away, knowing he wasn't deceived at all.

“Maddy, I'm sorry, ok?” I looked over at Chloe, begging her to help me, but she too was ignoring me. They were both angry at me for just leaving the party without even any goodbye especially since they threw it for me. Well, maybe Maddy was angry, I think Chloe just felt hurt. “Chloe?” I turned to the blonde whose always been the more understanding of the two.

Chloe sighed, looking away. “We called you last night, you know, and left plenty of messages. You didn't even bother to reply.” Her usual smiling face was pouting.

“I'm sorry.” I said. “I suddenly felt sick last night, and I had to leave.” I explained to them once more, which wasn't a total lie. I mean I really did feel sick when I saw Nathan with that girl, and the drinks didn't really help.

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