Chapter 1

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Excited and happy, she drives to cinnabon; for relaxation, with her best friends after their last paper which was geography. Beth had always hated this subject but the paper was good. After their small gathering Beth dropped them off to their houses and bade them good bye as they all would be dispersed and won't be here for the vacations.

Her father had passed away when she was 12, it made her very sad, desolated and comfortless. He used to spend a lot of time with her and would console and comfort her when she was upset about little things. She had no siblings and so she used to get all the attention. She was a chatterbox but now she felt like there was no one there for her, she had this empty feeling inside of her. When she was a teenager, she became quieter and quieter and days went on without someone there to comfort her.

After coming home from her father's funeral she had a severe chest pain, she felt like there was a huge heavy rock placed on her chest. This pain continued for some days. But she told herself that she was going to be okay and didn't even consider telling it to her mother. School life was not so good all her friends were in other classes according to the subjects they chose. The only place they met was the cafeteria and outside the school gates. All her classes were so depressing and silent; silence seemed to kill her. There seemed to be silence everywhere she went. Even at home. Her mother would be busy in the kitchen or her work would keep her busy. She had very little time to spend with her daughter.

Beth's life was very boring; school , lunch, come home, rest, homework, dinner and then sleep. And it would repeat EVERYDAY. Since she wasn't really taking part in any school activities her friends thought they should cheer up her a bit. So they planned to go somewhere. The party went as planned.

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