Chapter 3:

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The next day her mother was all caring and loving and wouldn't let Beth out of bed and did all her work. She was eager and suspicious to find out what it was and why she was acting that way. Therefore, she made her sit beside her and asked to answer her truthfully. Her heart beat faster and faster as every second passed by. Anxiously she started to talk; her voice was shaky but she mustered her courage and began.
"Mom, when i went out of that room...."
"Please don't ask me about that yet' i'll tell you when the time comes. "
"..But mom I HAVE the right to know, so can you please let me finish my question and answer me truthfully?" Asked Beth in a very pleasing and persuasive way.
"OK fine!" Said her mother
"Mom when i went out of that room what did Dr. Sullivan say to you? What is wrong with me? and what do the tests say?"
Her mother tried not to show how scared she was. She just wanted to cry. Tears were at the back of her eyes. But at the same time didn't want her daughter to worry. Slowly she began.
"There's no problem with you dear, you need not worry, the doctor said because of extreme tension or stress this happens, especially in the age of 16 to 20. So it's just normal."
"The doctor couldn't say this in front of me, seriously?"
"I know right" said her mother with a lying face.

As it got late, her mother tucked her in bed and went to her room and spent the whole night thinking of a new way to tell her that but she just couldn't because she had to be strong in front of her daughter and if she cried she would know that something is not right. On the other night Beth couldnt sleep at all too because she knew something was up, besides as her mother didn't look in the eye the whole night; so it was pretty sure that she was lying. And she had to pretend that she didn't notice that. It was a sleepless night for both of them.

The girl who lived short. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora