Chapter 2

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But days later, her condition got worse. She told her mother and her mother just gave her the medicines that were in the house and told her that they'd go to the doctor, first thing in the morning. At night she could barely breathe. Her mother came running to her room; she thought it was asthma and wasn't even worried. She took her to some clinic and asked the E.R doctor to check her if she has asthma. The doctor confirmed that she had asthma and gave them an inhaler. When they arrived home, Beth ran off to bed as it was school tomorrow. In the morning her mother didn't wake her up as she wasn't well the other night.

The next day went on the same; she couldn't breathe that often and had to keep the inhaler in her hands all the time. Later that evening they went to the all famous doctor, Dr. Sullivan. She prescribed some tests to diagnose and beth had always been scared of injections so it was difficult for her mother to hold her arm while her blood was being withdrawn. They both were terrified and so waited desperately for the results. Moreover, the doctor strictly advised her to rest 24/7 until their next visit. Her mother told her that she'd be on a leave from the school until she's not well and Beth decided to not tell her friends about this and they'll only be worried by this and she didn't want their vacations to be ruined.

In the next couple of days, they got the results and waited impatiently for the doctors visit. Soon the day came, and on seeing the results he asked Beth if he could have a word with his mother and if she could go out and wait with the other patients. She went out and waited as she was told to , nervous and panicked, out of habit she started to chew her nails until they hurt. As soon as her mother came out she restlessly stood up and expected her to tell her. But she didn't. All the way, they both sat in silence; her mother as shocked as if she had just buried a breathing man.

🔺there's more to the story...🔺. Thanks for reading till here. 😊

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