Chapter 7

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Very soon she was discharged from the hospital. And her mother told the doctor that Beth could be treated at the end of next week and also she'll tell Beth whats wrong with her. She went home and went straight to her room without saying anything.
"Don't you want to eat something?"
"No. "
"No, mom. I'm just going to sleep. I'm very tired."
"Okay. Wait. Let me first set the bed for you."
"I'll do it myself. "
"But you're...."
"Mom, i just want to be alone."
"Okay then"
"Thank you"

After she lie in bed she cried for hours and thought if her father were here things would be a whole lot different. Also her father would tell her everything and not act like her mother. Soon she cried herself to sleep. Hours later, her mother came to check up on her. She was asleep but her cheeks were wet and her eyes were swollen due to crying. Her mother just sat in the chair looking at her and wondering that she(Beth) is so much stronger than her. She quickly left the room when beth tossed and turned in bed.
*Hours later. When beth woke up.*

She went to check if her mother were asleep. She opened the door and her mother was sleeping by the door.
"Mom, wake up."
"Hmm. I'm up. I'm up. What happened? Is everything fine? Are you okay?"
"Mom i'm fine. Come sleep on my bed and from now please don't sleep on the floor."
They both spent hours and hours laughing and talking. All of a sudden her mother was quiet and realized that beth had a right to know what was wrong with her.
"Beth.." Eyes red and half filled with water.
"Yeah?  Oh my god. Are you crying? No please don't cry. Your eyes are red mom please for once look after youself. You're always taking care of me. What about you? I know i have not been on my best and i am sometimes rude to you. But don't ever like EVER think that i don't care about you. We can talk about this when you get up. Go to sleep."

Beth kissed her on her forehead and sat in the chair reading a book while she was sound asleep.

The girl who lived short. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin