Chapter 4

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Early in the morning her mother called out to her from the kitchen.
"Be ready and come down for breakfast, dear."
With a deep sigh, she woke up, got dressed and went downstairs. She was trying so hard not to show her feelings but she just couldn't keep all that curiosity inside of her! Later that day the doctor had called Beth's mother to come meet with him. But without Beth. So she made an excuse about staying in late at work and asked Beth to sleep early. Dr. Sullivan told her that her daughter's condition was becoming worse day by day. She wanted to tell beth about what had happened to her but she just COULDN'T do that.

Later that night Beth again had that chest pain but she didn't want to disturb her mother by calling her. She just couldn't move. That night beth's friend called her asking her to come over her house tomorrow for the party. In the morning she told her mother about going to her friends house and her mother said that she could go. Around 4 she drove to her friends house. Later that evening she was still at her friends house she vomited right after having a slice of pizza. She vomited blood. But still she didn't consider telling her mother or friends. Her lively blue eyes were now dull and there were bags under her eyes. It looked like she hadn't had proper sleep for days, also her skin was now pale. After seeing what Beth looked like, her friends asked her if she was alright or wanted to go home. But she said
"No, i'll be fine. "

Half an hour had passed and she still looked the same way. Her friends took her home, but by the time they reached her door she felt dizzy and fainted ;right at the doorstep. They went inside and to a surprise her mother was fast asleep and didn't wake up at hearing the door open. They carried Beth to her room and stayed there util she was conscious and gave her the medicine that was prescribed; according to the prescription. They also had to give her a sleeping pill so that she won't feel any pain and also sleep like a baby until the morning.

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