Chapter 6

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The next day when she got out of her room she saw her mother sitting outside her room. Her back facing the wall. Her mother stood up at once and said "sorry" and hugged her. But Beth didn't say a word or hug her back. She went downstairs and started to make her own breakfast. Her mother went down after her and said
"Beth, dear i don't think that its a good idea for you to make it. You're still taking your meds and..."
"Mom, i'm fine. I'm really not in a mood for a lecture. I can do my own work."
"Okay. Fine." Said her mother.

She was about to go upstairs but her mother stopped her and told her to sit down with her on the table. She came down and sat down. Couple minutes had passed and her mother got to know that Beth was giving her the silent treatment. She asked:
"Beth,dear, please talk to me. What do you want me to do in order for you to forgive me."
"Whatever it is it can't be done anyways. Its too late. "
"Still. Come on tell me. "
She started to take huge breaths. Her mother asked if she was alright.
"Yes i am. "
"You dont look fine,dear."
Her mother ran upstairs to get her the inhaler. But when she came down she saw beth with her head resting on the table. Her mother came closer  to pick her up. She was grunting loudly. She had that chest pain again. Only this time it was much WORSE.
"I cant breathe. My chest hurts A LOT ", she inhaled deeply,"Call someone FAST." She grunts. By the time the ambulance reached she had already fainted.

When she was conscious she saw herself in a hospital bed. With a tube in her nose that supplied her with oxygen. She saw her mother asleep by her bed in a chair. She didn't want to disturb her. After some time she woke up and asked her(Beth) how she was feeling. She told her that she was fine. Her mother kissed her on the forehead and then went out to get some water. In the meantime the nurse came in to check the tubes. Her mother got back, beth tried to get up but her mother forced her to lie down. So she did. She made her drink water from the straw. The doctor told her mother that she could be released in couple of hours after the oxygen supply is enough for her. The doctor advised her strictly to rest and not run or do anything besides lying in bed. And told her mother in private that they have to set up an appointment for as soon as possible. Or otherwise it would just get worse and worse.

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