Chapter 5

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As usual she woke up at 2 pm. Went down, had breakfast and then went upstairs to her room and chatted with her friends until her mother came home; she had a lunch break from her office. Beth wanted to tell her mother about yesterday night but decided not to as: (a) she (her mother) had a lot of workload from the office and (b) she was keeping secrets from her too.

They sat at the table for lunch but Beth said that she didn't feel like eating so she just sat there giving her mother company. They talked about her mother's job and what Beth did from the morning till now.  Then there was a moment of silence. At once they both started to say something at the same time.
"Uh. First you, dear" said her mother.
"No no go ahead."
Her mother said that whatever she had to tell could wait so she(Beth) could talk first.
Beth started, " Do you remember dad's funeral?"
"Uhh. Yes."
"After the funeral when we came home...."
Her mother looked at her watch and she was running late so she had to rush out that door. Saying :
" We'll talk about this tonight when i come back. I promise. Love you!"
"Okay mom. Love you too"

Beth watched tv-series all day, she lost track of time. When she heard the door open; at night, she went out her room to check and it was her mother. As her mother was setting the table for dinner she said.
" So.....what was it that you were saying ?"
" Uhhh..forget about it. You know what its  not even worth repeating. "
" You know i hate it when you do it, now that you've touched that topic you've gotta finish it too"
"I was asking if you remembered the promise you made right after we came home from dad's funeral."
"Yeah. That i'd be there for you whenever you needed to talk to somebody."
Her mother shrugged and asked:
"Oh my god. Seriously!?"
"Now would you please remind me what that was?"
"You promised to share 'EVERYTHING' with me ,no matter how small or big it was. "
"I do share everything with you, honey!"
"Do you !?" Beth said angrily.
She left her dinner and went to her room, locked it and spent the whole night crying, missing her dad and thinking how different things would be if he was still alive. Her mother knocked thrice but Beth didn't want to talk to her. She wouldn't open her door or finish her dinner.

🔺Hi guys. Thank you so much for reading my story till here. Appreciate it. So...i just wanted you guys to know that i'll be publishing more chapters after my exams; after 25th march 😊. Thank you. ❤️❤️🔺

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