Chapter 5

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(Jim's P.O.V)

"No! We're not gonna stop searching until we find her! We can't risk it!" I yell to Harvey,

while he writes things down on paperwork.

"Jim! We're going to find her!" Harvey replied,

looking up.

"Jim?" I hear my sister's voice.

Her voice is shaky, and full of worry. I can tell she's been crying. Her eyes are red, and her nose is too.

"Leslie!" I sigh in relief,

knowing she's okay.

She starts to cry, and i hurry to hug her. For the first time, i see her worried. Very worried, about her daughter.

And for the first time.. I feel sorry for her.

"Jim, I'm scared." She sobbed,

into ky shoulder.

"I am too..." I cry. "I am too."

I'm find the Maniax and I'm going to take them down, and going to stop me.

(<Y/N> P.O.V)

As i run down these empty halls, i limp really bad because of my wound. Stupid Jerome, ugh!
I look down at it to see it's bleeding pretty bad, and i might have to get stitches.
I hate stitches.

I hear talking in upcoming rooms. I don't want to cause any attention, so i slow down, and kneel.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, i do." I hear a familiar voice.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyways. Galavan is going to kill him, and if she has to go down with him, then so be it!" A woman shouted.

I whimper, and i run as fast as i can past the door, hoping they didn't see or hear me, and i quickly turned a right, into an empty hall,

with statues and bedrooms in it.

"I wish Jim was here.." I whisper to myself, and i continue to run,

until i see papers moving on the floor which means there might be a door or window, causing it.

I see an open window, and i go over to it, quietly. It doesn't look that far down, so that's a releif.

I won't have to kill myself, to not get killed by these men.

I put one leg over, and then the next.

My skinny jeans even more ripped than usual.

"There she is! Get her!" I hear Galavan yell,

from behind me.

I gasp, and i look over to a grunting Theodore, and a chunky guy with an afro.

Crazy man.

I tried jumping out of the window, bug i don't make it very far.

Before i know it, there are hairy arms around my torso, and they're pulling me back inside of the abandoned mansion.

"Please! Just let me go!" I yell.

Theodore laughed, and limped his way to me.

"You're not going anywhere.." He yelled in my face.

I spat on him, and he wiped it off quickly.

"Disgusting!" He yelled, and slapped me, hard across my face.

"Take her to the basement." Galavan smiled at the man, and nodded.

The man grunted, lifting my body up and walking around.

I made a mental map, and calculated every turn he made.

When i bust out of here, I'll know where to go.
This time it won't be out of a window.

"Here you go, dinner." The man said.

I shiver in disgust, and he started walking towards a closet.

He grabbed tape, and rope.

He tied my arms and legs, and then covered my mouth up with tape.

"You'll pay for this!!" I try to say but it all came out in mumbles.

"What's that? I can't understand you." The man chuckled.

I bounce around in my chair from anger, and i feel one of the legs come loose, only giving me a great idea, and i stopped moving around.

I can't let it break before he leaves, or i won't have an escape plan.

"See you later." He murmered, and left the room.

Finally. I can find a way to break out.

(Jim's P.O.V)

"Have you heard anything?" I queried, sitting at the desk.

"No. But some folks said they heard some screaming over by the gas station." Harvey explained.

"This is Gotham. There's screaming everywhere." I roll my eyes.

I stand up, and i grab my coat putting it on, angrily.

"Where are you going?" Harvey asked.

"To find my neice. I'm surprised you aren't according to her almost being your stepdaughter" i hiss, looking at my sister, then back at Harvey.

I clear my throat, and said "Excuse me." And then i was out the door.

(Bruce's P.O.V)

I pace around the bedroom, looking at the time every now and then.

"Master Bruce." Alfred cleared his throat.

"Yes?" I murmered, stopping in my tracks and looking at him.

He's worried, i can tell. His hair is messed up, and his tie is undone.

"You've been pacing around the room for 5 and a half hours. You must calm down, because it won't make a difference. They will find her, and before you know it...she'll be back. She'll be back in your arms." Alfred explained.

"What do you mean?" I ask, gently.

"I've noticed. You two have been extremely close. You've fallen in love." He explained.

I look down, and i think about it for a moment.

"I suppose you're right..." I smile a tiny bit. "I have fallen in love."

"But that won't make a difference. She still needs to be safe, either way!" I say.

"You're correct, sir. Jim has went out to search for himself. He's the best. I'm sure she'll be back in two days." Alfred said.

I nod, and he left.

I don't know what I'll do without her. Even though its only been a couple weeks, I've grown attached. I just hope she's okay.

Because if not... I won't be able to go on.

Gotham: Bruce Wayne x Reader (FanFiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu