Chapter 7

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(Bruce's P.O.V)
"Did you find her?" I ask, walking into Jims office, only to see him suffer.

His face is red, his hair is a mess, and it smells like he's been drinking alcohol. Like that's going to help.

"No." He murmered, and put his pen down. "We've been trying."
"Well obviously not hard enough!" I snap.
I immediately feel guilt wash over my body, and i can tell my face shows it. I feel the redness in my cheeks.

"I'm- I'm sorry Jim. I-I didn't mean it. I'm just worried." I explain.

"It's fine Bruce. I've done that all day." He replied truthfully.

I nod, as he stood up from his seat.
"So.. Have any ideas on where she could be, Bruce?!" He asked in a tone that doesn't sound so happy.

"No. But i remember she was on her way to visit me. She said that she would be a few minutes late." I explain, lifting my chin a bit.

"Are you sure? Because it seems like you're the only person who knows where she was, and obviously the last!" He growled.

"Wrong. I didn't know where she went in order for her to be late. So don't blame someone, just because you're blaming yourself. If i had any idea on where she was, trust me i would be out there myself looking for her, instead of getting drunk!!" I spat, and stormed out of the room.

I couldn't take it anymore. He's drunk, and doesn't understand what he's saying.
If i want to find (Y/N), then i guess I'll have to do it myself. And i don't care what i have to go through.


"J-Jim!" I murmer in my sleep, but my voice caused me to wake up, with a little movement.
I'm still in this tiny closet, and to be honest my back hurts like a motherfucker.
"Ow." I whisper, rubbing the pain in my neck. It might bruise.

I creak the door open a bit to see if anyone is out there waiting for me to come out so they can slaughter me right there!
But no. I'm in the clear.

"Yes, the guards will be here in about 20 minutes. They'll catch her before she gets the chance to leave." I hear someone say, walking past the door way.
20 minutes?! Atleast give me 35!!!

I mentally groan, and rub my temples.
Why do i gotta go through this?

It's going to be a long night, i can already tell.
I crawl to the floor, as i do a summer-sault.
I listen for any type of noise, that may seem like danger, but all i hear is headphones blasting music in the other room, and myself breathing.

I sneak my way into a small little room that looks like it could be the camera room, and i see that bald guy listening to "Aerosmith", while he's asleep.

I feel my heart pound in my chest, and my hands are sweaty. This is what happens when I'm nervous.

I ignore the fact that i am nervous, and i make my way to his body, to make sure he really is sleeping.

Turns out, he is actually sleeping. Little snores escape his mouth, and his breath hits my face.

I try hard not to barf.

There's cameras everywhere.
In the bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, outside.
What the hell are these people planning?

I get down to business, and i pull files out of the drawer under me. I of course, am being quiet.

I find a file that says "Maniax! Plan B" so i decide to look there. It looks interesting, and I'd like to be nosy, as well.

"Plan.. Blah Blah Blah... Whatever that means.. Okay boring." I mumble, as i read the words.

I sigh, and i put the files in my bra area. I have no bag, and I'll need to show these to Jim. Whaddya expect?!

"Okay, thanks big fella. Gotta go." I whisper, as i leave the room.

I run down the big hallway as fast i can.
So many doors, and not so many chances that they're safe.
What to do? What to do?
Oh yeah! I remember when i broke in here a couple months back.
The exit is this way...
I turn a right, and then i kept running forward. Whenever i ran past a room i tiptoed my way past.
(Jim's P.O.V)
"Harvey! Get your ass in here!" I yell, slamming my beer bottle down.
"What Jim!?" Harvey asked, walking in.
"Got any news?" I ask.
"Yes. I'm heading out." He says, turning around.
"Where?!" I ask.
"To find your neice. I'm leaving you here." He said.
And with that, he left.
(Y/N's P.O.V)
I hear Jerome's laugh in the distance. I'm sure he knows where i am.
His laugh has gotten closer in the past 5 minutes.
He's onto me.
I run faster until i see the door to escape.
They know I'm coming.
I stop myself before going any further.
I can't do this. It's too risky.
"Jerome! What do you want?!" I scream.
"It's not what he wants," Theodore says, coming into view. "It's what i want.."
I roll my eyes, and i take a deep breath.
"Just tell me what it is. I'll give it." I growl.
"I want Bruce." He smirked.
"I've heard. Why do you want Bruce so bad, eh?! What did he do? He's only a kid!" I yell.
"He didn't do anything! Your father did!" He shouted.
My father?!
"What about my father?!" I ask.
"He killed my wife. Now I'll kill his daughter, his daughter's boyfriend. Just like i killed him!!" He shouted.
My eyes go wide, and i cover my mouth with my hands.
He killed my dad?

At this point I'm pissed. My face is burning hot, and my knees collapsed.
"Y-You... Killed my father." I say.
"Yes. And i can't wait to kill you, as well." He laughed, and took my by the wrists.
There is no point in fighting anymore. ... I'm too hurt. I want him to hurt. I want him to suffer... But I'm weak...
I'm updating another one tonight!!

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