Catching Up

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Shawn opens the passenger door for me and I get out. We walk into a nice little restaurant called Bella Italiano. As soon as the female hostess sees Shawn she immediately puts her phone in her pocket and flashes Shawn a huge smile. "Table for 2," he says to her. She leads us to a booth table and we sit on opposite sides from each other.

After a few minutes of browsing through the menu the waitress comes. "So what can I get you?" she asks looking only at Shawn.

"What would you like to drink?" he asks me, making the waitress look over. "I'll have a coke please." I say to him.

"Make that two."

"I'll be right back with those," she says.

"So, do you know what you'd like to eat?" he asks me politely. I browse through the menu again.

"I think I'll..." I begin to say but the waitress comes back with our drinks. She looks over at Shawn,"What would you like to like to eat?"

"I'll have the fettuccine," I say to her. Shawn says he's fine. She leaves to go put in the order. "Are you sure your not hungry because it seems that they have good food here."

"I'm on this kind of diet," he says. I didn't notice it before but his voice was so angelic. "Well Kaitlyn, what have you been up to these last 7 years?"

After a good ten minutes of me telling him what I did these last 7 years, the waitress comes out with my food. She places it on the table and asks Shawn if he's sure he doesn't want anything. After telling her no, she walks away a bit angry. I begin eating noticing Shawn hasn't even touched his drink. "Not thirst?" I ask him. He just shakes his head.

We walk out of the restaurant and over to his car. He again opens the passenger door for me. "You do know that I'm perfectly capable of opening the door myself," I tell him.

"Oh I'm completely aware of that," he says flashing me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. You know Shawn has seemed to be nice and polite since going to boarding school. We drive in awkward silence till I break it.

"So what happened to you over in London?" I ask. His hands tense up on the steering wheel. He just looks straight ahead.

"Well," he begins,"they taught me proper etiquette and tons of manners." I look up at him, this can't be the same Shawn that was completely obsessed with me 7 years ago. "That's enough heat," I say reach over to turn it off. He also goes to turn it off. His hand is still freezing. He quickly pulls his hand away.

Shawn pulls into my driveway. He gets out and opens my car door. When I step out its freezing. "Here," Shawn says handing me his jacket. I accept it and put it on. It's huge on me but I don't care. Making sure he's not looking, I inhale the heavenly scent of the jacket. I've never smelled anything like it and it's amazing.

I get to my door and go to hand Shawn his jacket back. "Keep it, besides it's going to be cold tomorrow anyway." I nod my head. I give Shawn a hug and realize that the scent in his jacket was him. I feel him tense up a bit, but he hugs me back. "Good night Kaitlyn."

"Good night Shawn." I walk in the door and sitting in a chair at the kitchen table is Jordan.

"Do you realize how late it is Kaitlyn?! I've been worried sick!" Jordan panics.

"It can't be that late," I say pulling out my phone. I turn on the screen and see that it's 11:30! "What?! How is that possible?"

"You went a date with a stranger and..." he begins but I cut him off.

"Shawn is not a stranger and I'm tired so I'm going to bed." I go upstairs Jordan practically on my heels. I change in my bathroom into my pyjamas. I come out and see Jordan examining Shawn's jacket on the floor. I shove him out slamming my door before he can come back in. I climb into bed and my mind instantly goes to thinking about Shawn.

Shawn's P.O.V
I drive home after dropping Kaitlyn off. I get in throwing my keys on the small table in the hallway. I walk into the kitchen and Lyla is sitting at the table.


"So, are you and Kaitlyn a couple or what?" she asks me. I just roll my eyes at her.

"I have just come back and we haven't seen each other in 7 years."

"I know but before you left she kissed you remember," she states.

"Yeah we were kids. I don't even know how she truly feels about me."

"But you guys would be a cute couple," she says. I walk upstairs to my room. Lyla follows me. She hasn't seen my room yet. Her eyes widen when she looks around and doesn't see a bed but I did have a small sofa. "You realize that there's no bed even in here. You know that right?"

"I don't really sleep much, I have trouble going to sleep so I don't really need one if I'm not going to use it much," I lie to her. She then leaves. Truth is, I can't sleep at all anymore. A few weeks after my 17th birthday back in March, I was bitten by,and this might seem strange, a vampire! After three days of pure agony, I found out that I had been transformed into one. At first I tried not to hunt but I became really hungry. I was just out for a walk in the forest trying not to murder anyone when I was so hungry that the next thing I knew, I drank the blood of a deer that was passing by.

I have since then only hunted animals. It is better than slaughtering humans. In the few months before returning to Forks, I actually taught myself how to control my hunger around humans. On top of that, if I'm well fed, it makes it easier to ignore. That was until I came back. It seems that no matter how hard I try, I can't resist Kaitlyn's blood. I will though because I'm still in love with her.

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