Epilogue: A Special Occasion

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2 Months Later

I walk down the stairs slowly, the walking cast decorated with flowers. On the other foot was just a black converse shoe. I was wearing a dark green dress that went down to just below my knees. I finally reach the last step.

Lyla came over earlier and curled my hair and did my makeup for me. I didn't know what was going on. Shawn was standing beside my father, a huge smile on his lips. He was wearing a dark grey suit with a black tie. "You seriously aren't going to wear a heel on the other foot?" Jordan asks. He gladly accepted the offer to move back home. My father has gotten used to Jordan being gay and has even invited Blake over for a few family dinners.

"I do not want to break my other leg," I tell him. Shawn walks over and places his hand on my waist. My dad takes a few photos of us and Jordan with Blake. We head out and Shawn places me into the front seat.

"So where are we going?" I ask him, still confused.

"You honestly don't know, do you?" I shake my head and he sighs.

"I'm taking you to prom," he explains.

"Oh," I sigh.

"What did you think?" I shrug off the question but he clues in. "No, I wasn't going to turn you."

"You know, you could've let the venom spread through me and I could've already been like you," I say looking down at my cast.

"I want you to live your life Kaitlyn, not waste it by becoming a monster like me."

"You're not a monster." He pulls into the parking lot and we head into the gym. Lyla is against the wall beside her new boyfriend Jake. I may not like him, but he makes her happy. Jordan is dancing with Blake in the middle of the gym. Shawn stops and twirls me. He then starts slow dancing with me, even though the music is an upbeat song.

"I will one day be a vampire like you, Shawn," I say looking into his eyes.

"Not while I'm around."

"Why are you so against it?"

"I don't want you to lose your soul," he says looking me right in the eye. "Your not going to give up are you?"

"Not as long, as my heart is still beating," I tell him. He spins me and then I feel someone tap my shoulder. We stop dancing and I turn around to see Griff.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"May I cut in?" he asks Shawn. He nods his head and Griff puts his hands awkwardly on my waist as we sway to the loud music. "Listen Kaitlyn, my dad is paying me to give you a message."

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's kinda stupid. He says that you should break up with your boyfriend because he's not good for you. He also says, and I quote, "we'll be watching out for you". Dumb right," he says laughing at the end.

"Yeah dumb," I agree to make his dad happy. I now knew that somehow, Griff's dad, knew what Shawn was.

"Well, I should get going."

"Alright, see you later Griff," I call out to him. He smiles and waves good bye. Shawn is quickly by my side.

"What was that about?" he asks me.

"Nothing," I lie to him. He pulls me close and we dance slow together all night during the dance. It was truly perfect.

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