The Accident

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Jordan stands with the door wide open looking between me and Shawn.

"Jordan, you okay?" I ask him. He then shakes his head and snaps out of his daze.

"What the hell man?! That's my baby sister!" he yells at Shawn.

"Jordan, we didn't plan for this to happen, it just did," Shawn explains.

"No of course you didn't! You know what, I'm gonna kill you!"

"No Jordan don't!" I yell but then he punches Shawn in the face. I look over at Shawn who doesn't seem to be in any pain.

"Son of! What the hell!" I hear Jordan scream in pain.

"You okay?" Shawn asks Jordan. He shakes his head. "Let me take you to the hospital, it's the least I could do." Then he and Jordan get in his car and he takes Jordan to the hospital. I go in the house and head up to my room and change into some pyjamas. I quickly fall asleep.

3 Days Later

I wake up and it's a bit dark in my room. I look out the window and see that the driveway is covered in ice. "Shit," I mumble. I hated snow but I couldn't stand ice. I've always fell on the ice every winter for the past I don't even know how many years. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans, a white shirt and brown boots. I head downstairs and see Jordan sitting at the table. He sprained his hand punching Shawn's face Sunday night. He had to wear a tensor bandage on if for a few weeks.

"Morning," I say to Jordan who just glares at me.

"Well you really could do way worse than Shawn I guess," Jordan says, finally accepting us as a couple. I kiss him on the top of the head. I hear knocks at the door and throw it open. Standing in front of me was the most gorgeous man I've ever seen, Shawn. He picks me up in his arms and kisses me. "Ready to go?" Shawn asks. I nod my head. I walk slowly and carefully down my drive way. I then loose my footing and I start falling backwards but I'm caught by Shawn.

"Thank you." He nods his head and picks me up, carrying me to the car. "You didn't have to do that," I tell him as he places me in the passenger seat. He just gets in on the drivers side and drives to school.

"I'm just gonna wait here for a bit," I say to Shawn leaning on the back of his car. He nods his head and goes over to talk to his sister on the other side of the parking lot. Suddenly I notice a car zooming around the corner but the driver hits the brakes to late and is heading straight for me. I look over at Shawn who is staring at me his eyes as wide as they possibly could be.

I close my eyes and then something hard hits me from the side. I look up and Shawn is now by my side pinning me down to the ground. "What are you doing?! You'll get crushed!" I yell trying to get up. He pushes me back down. The car is about to hit us and Shawn puts both his hands out and I brace for the impact but nothing happens. I open my eyes and see that Shawn stopped the car with his hands.

"How did you get over here so fast?" I ask him.

"What do you mean I was right by you," he says.

"No. You were over by your sister and the next second your over here."

"No I was right here by your side." I shake my head but stop because it hurts.

"Ow," I say.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asks me.

"I'm fine." He shakes his head and pulls out his cell phone to call for an ambulance.

Then everyone surrounds us asking me if I'm okay completely ignoring Shawn. I then hear the sirens of an ambulance and then two paramedics come over and put me on a stretcher. "I'm fine," I tell them. Shawn climbs in the back with me holding my hand.

When we arrive at the hospital I see my dad waiting. "Are you okay honey?"

"I'm just fine dad. Shawn called for an ambulance even though it's totally unnecessary." He looks over at Shawn and hugs him. You've got to be kidding me. They both follow me and then the paramedics finally let me get off.

I am now waiting for the doctor to tell me what's wrong even though nothing is. "You were lucky Shawn was there to pull you out of the way," my dad goes on and on.

"Listen I need to tell you someth..." but I'm cut off by the doctor returning.

"Everything is fine and you are good to go home young lady. Your lucky that your boyfriend was there to pull you out of the way other wise you might've died," he says to me.

"He's not her boyfriend," my dad says.

"Says here that her boyfriend Shawn Mendes called in my report."

"Boyfriend?!" my dad says looking over at me then at Shawn. "B-but, but when? How?"

"I'll explain on the way home," I tell him. The doctor signs the discharge papers and we head out. I jump when I see half the school in the waiting area. I just keep waking trying my best to ignore them. "Can I talk to Shawn alone for a minute?" I ask dad. He nods his head saying that he'll be waiting in his car.

"How did you get over to me so quickly Shawn?"

"I just had an adrenaline rush okay so can you now drop it?" I shake my head. He sighs, "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." And with that he storms off. I get in dads car and he drives me home. "I'll see ya when I see ya," he says heading back to work. I walk in the house and head up to my room. I turn on my computer and open up google chrome. It's time to find out the truth.

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