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2 days later

It's now Monday and I have to figure out how to give her the slip. I decide to do it at the air port because it'll be busy. I pack up my bags as Georgie is checking out. I grab my wad of cash that I hid from her and put it in my purse.

We leave at 10 and she drives to the airport. I think of ways to escape without her being suspicious. She parks and we walk over to Shawn's terminal. "I'll be right back Georgie, I gotta use the washroom," I say calmly.

"Alright, I'll be here." I go to the closet washroom and I remember that it has another exit on the other side. I accidentally discovered that when I was younger, never thought that would come in handy. I quickly dash into an elevator packed with people. I hear grumbles and mumbles but I ignore them.

As soon as the door opens on the ground level, I run outside. I look around for a free taxi. About 4 cars down, I see a couple unpacking the back. I run and wait right outside. As soon as they close the trunk, I hop in the back. "Can you take me here?" I ask him, showing him the address on my phone.

"Alright," he says driving off. I picture Shawn's face when he gets through the terminal, only to discover in not there. By now, Georgie has figured out that I left. I can't think about that now.

"Here you go," he says. I pay him and tell him to keep the change. He drives off smiling. I head into the apartment building and run upstairs to hers. I quickly grab the spare key she gave me and unlock the door. I look around and see a piece of paper beside the phone. I dial the number.

"You're early," he says. I look at my phone. It was 11:45. Shawn was probably trying to find me.

"Thought it would be better this way," I say to him.

"Alrighty then. You remember that art studio you went to during your summers here?"

"That's where you want me too meet you, don't you?" I ask. It was about three blocks away.

"Yes, you are so smart."

"Can I just hear my mothers voice?"

"I don't see why not." I then hear her in a panic. I almost start crying. "See you soon, Kaitlyn." He hangs up and all I hear is dial tone. I put the phone down. I lock the door behind me and I run outside.

I start running towards the studio. My mother put my into art classes when I visited because she was always way too busy with work to actually watch me. I start sweating but I continue running. I turn the last corner and stop in front of the studio.

The sign out front reads, "Gone on vacation". I pull the door open, not surprised it's unlocked. I continue walking until I reach the door that read art room. I push the slightly ajar door open. The space was open, everything was put away. "Hello there Kaitlyn." I then see Andrew sitting on a chair in the corner.

"Andrew," I say, "where's my mother?"

"So sorry. You see, she's on a week long business trip. She left early Friday morning."

"But I heard her voice," I begin to argue.

"Old home movies." He then reveals a small tv. He presses play and I realize that it's from the day that we went to a huge parade. I had wormed my way to the front and my mother started panicking because she couldn't see me. I was now furious at myself for falling for such a stupid trick.

"You see, I knew that you wouldn't leave unless I had something you wanted," he begins. "My dear friend Talia did some digging up at your high school. She found out where your mother lived. I must say, your little performance at your house was cute. I thought that you would as far away as possible from where you said you were going. Smart move. But when your little boyfriend bought a plane ticket to out here, I knew I had been played. I caught a plane that landed early Friday morning, but it was after your mom had left."

"So you used my voicemail against me," I say and he nods his head.

"Exactly, I called the number after searching through your home movies until I found the perfect way to convince you I had her." He then grabs a tape recorder off the top of the tv. "I thought that this would perfect to shoot your goodbye to Shawn."

I turn around and bolt for the door. He moves quickly and is in front of me. He puts out his hand and pushes me backwards. I hit my head against the wall. I put my hand up to where I hit my head. When I pull it away, my hand is covered in my own blood. I hold back a scream.

He pounces over towards me. I hear an ear piercing screech. I look to see where it's coming from, then I realize that it's coming from me. I look down at my leg to see that he broke it by stepping on it. "Perfect, now tell him to avenge you." I look into his eyes and see that he's enjoying every minute I'm in pain.

"Shawn, listen to me, do not go after Andrew. Please. For me, I love you more than anything," I say looking into the lens. He then turns off the camera and puts down. He puts his lips to my right wrist, as if he's gonna kiss it but then I scream in pain as he bites and begins drinking my blood. I close my eyes and accept my death approaching.

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