The Night

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There once was a girl named Kat who lived in a small house near the woods. She liked to play with her imaginary friends and just have fun in general. She had a few regular freinds but they didnt come over often. One day her mom was playing in the backyard with kat and her mother had to go in to get some snacks.  Kat had been eyeing the woods for a while now and she decided now was her chance to run into the woods and explore.

    Kat wandered into the woods thinking that it would all be safe and no harm will come to her but once she stepped in she was greeted by a creature called Haggle. Haggle was nice but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Haggle told Kat to follow him and she did. She followed him to a shed in the middle of the forest. It was old and run down and even Covered in vines. The Haggle wanted her to go in but Kat knew better then to go in, she might be five but she has learned some things from her parents but never fully understood them.

Finally the Haggle found a way to make her trust him with a toy he found not too far from the woods and she fallows the Haggle in. When she got in the shed she saw a pretty room and she was cheerful.  She said " I wanted to adventure into the woods and now I get to". The Haggle smiles but couldn't say anything else.

Kat smile's at Haggle and runs out of the shed to go deeper into the woods. When she Hears her parent's voice she tries to call out to her mother but the Haggle covers her mouth so she can't say anything and runs off with her in his arms. Her parents get worried and knowing whats in the woods they quickly grabbed the weapon closest to them and head in. They eventually catch a slight glimps of her and starts to run after her and the Haggle but the Haggle is too fast. The mother stops. The dad tries to shoot it, but he missed because it's dogging every single one of the bullets. They yell they will find her. The Haggle and kat finally got out of site of her parents. As the Haggle walks and finds an abandoned house looks like its about to collapse any minute. The Haggle puts Kat down on a soft couch wanting her to fall asleep for the night.

When he does that Kat starts curling up into a ball and and softly cries herself to sleep. The Haggle just plops down somewhere on the ground in what should have been the kitchen and watches Kat sleep almost peacefully. When she wake's up she looks around to scan the area and her eye's land on the Haggle. The Haggle smiles and walks over to her, sits down, and Kat lays her head on his shoulder. She wanted the haggle to think that she feels kinda safe with him there. Kat looked at him and he frll asleep next to her. Kat knowing she's somewhat safe she falls back asleep. Kat wakes up to a sudden noise at the door and hears someone talking "i think there in here". Kat wakes up the Haggle and they run out the back door before the others could open the front.

The people came barging in and saw nothing. "I sware i heard something" said the police.
They kept on looking around the old abandoned house while Kat and the Haggle kept running farther and farther away from the police trying not to get cought. When they reached a tiny shed  the Haggle put Kat on a small chair that he found in the shed and sat down in front of it to catch his breath. Kat came and sat just on the other side of the Haggle trying to comfort him. He fell asleep just with her right there. When Kat thought he was fully asleep she started looking around for a way out. She noticed a hole leading outside and that's when she made her escape. Kat started running for her life to were she thinks she last was. "Mama" she screames as she  runs to find her. "Baby" Kat's mom says as she tries running towards the sound of her babies voice. The Haggle wakes up from the noise and checks the shed to see that Kat is gone and follows the voice that he heard of her saying mama.

He was upset. Not only because she ran away from him but because he thought they would spend the rest of there life together.  Kat was finally running to her mom and when she was about 10 feet away from her the Haggle run's, grabs Kat and takes her away agian.

Hey guys hope you enjoy this book as much as I do. I know its not like other books would be but its how i write mine.

Hope you enjoy the next chapter.

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