The Jet-Wing

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AN: Yay I updated! Hope you guys enjoy it!😊😊💕💕 And I hope you guys are as happy as I am when I update! I love writing this it's just so fun for me oh and comment below what you think of the chapters so far and please please vote I only have one vote so far :( Oh and don't forget the outfit that Dani is wearing will by always on the side! And finally if you haven't seen The Jet-Wing there will be a link in the comments for you to check it out! :)

After everything that had happened we eventually got the place back how it used to be but Mr. Davenport still didn't have his money so not everything was back to the way it used to be. Bree, Chase and I were on the couch watching a movie on Mr. Davenport's tablet when we over heard his conversation about not having any money to repair his inventions that were destroyed when Douglas blew up the lab.

"Mr. Davenport take your time with the lab. I don't mind staying up here, I mean it won't make up living in the basement for sixteen years but it's a start." Bree said sitting down in a stool and I sat down next to her. "We don't have time. Your capsules have regenerative capabilities. They're crucial to your bionic infrastructures." Mr. Davenport said.

"Huh?" Adam questioned. "Let me help you. CAPSULE GOOD." Chase said. "But I haven't been in my capsule all week and I feel fine." Bree said. "Yea me too." I replied. "Well, it's only a matter of time before your bionics go haywire." Mr. Davenport said. "Do you know when exactly cuz I have a haircut on Tuesday and if I glitch in the chair I'm going to end up looking like that train wreck." Adam said reffering to Chase.

"Look I get it I'm short, I look like a lady golfer, and have a terrible hair cut, what else do you got?" Chase asked Adam. "How long do you have." Adam said. "Look the longer you go without your capsules the more likely you'll glitch so don't use your bionics until I get enough money to rebuild the lab.

"Uh-oh I feel a glitch coming on." Adam said and then punched Chase in the arm and Chase winced in pain. "So your saying if I use my bionics to beat the living lights out of Adam I can permanently stay in "attack mode" until you have enough money to build the lab?" I asked Mr. Davenport and he nodded. "I see no downside." I said while cracking my nuckles and Adam looked terrified.

"You know what I feel a glitch coming on too." Chase said. "Yea me too." I said and smacked Adam upside the head and Chase knocked him down to the floor and we high fived. "Hey, it's not funny when you hurt me. It's just rude." Adam said walking away. "Actually it is funny." I said.


"Okay everybody family meeting time." Mr. Davenport said. "Adam, you don't have to raise your hand to speak just talk." Mr. Davenport continued while I sat down on the couch in between Leo and Chase. "Oh-no I've got nothing to say, I was just airing out my pits." Adam said and I cringed. "The reason I called this meeting is because we have to make some cut backs in the family budget. Starting with, loosing our cellphones." Mr. Davenport explained.

"What?" Bree, Adam and I said at the same time. "Did you not hear me, I just moved out of a basement. I need this phone." Bree said and I nodded. "Wait. I don't get it, why is this happening?" Adam asked. "Phone gone. We poor now." Chase explained to Adam and I chuckled. "Guys stop complaining. This is what you do for family. You make sacrifices." Leo said. "This includes you too." Mr. Davenport said and I smiled.

"I barely know you people. I'm keeping my phone." Leo said walking to the kitchen. "Don't worry, Donald and I will be giving up our phones too." Tasha said. "Well you will. Look. The sooner we get money the sooner we can get back to our normal lives. We need cash. Ideas." Mr. Davenport said and I shaked my head no. "Oh I can make some desserts, and we can have a bake sale." Tasha said.

Changes (Lab Rats: Season 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora