Three Minus Bree

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"Hey did you guys know we had to study a brod program?" Bree asked us. "Why would I go to another country to do something I don't do here?" Adam asked. "Look. It says you get to spend a whole semester at a high school in Australia and guess what I applied." Bree said. "Me too!" I exclaimed and Bree high fived me.

"Cool Kelly Porder went last year, she got sucker punched by a kangaroo." Leo said. "Well alright I guess we're going to Australia." Adam said. "Uh no no no no way, this is our thing I mean we can finally be on our own we can study, travel, make new friends." Bree said. "Mmm I hate to be a wet blanket...."Chase said. ''No you don't." Leo said and I chuckled. "But Mr. Davenport is never going to let you two do this you can't go on missions if your half way across the world." Chase said.

"Sure we can I mean we haven't figured out all the details yet but theres gotta be a way to make it work." I said. "Not unless these two can unlock a new ability to make up for you two not being here." Leo said. "Well maybe I can unlock an ability where I disappear and reappear somewhere else, let me try it." Adam said and by that I think he meant teleporting.

He closed his eyes and started grunting. "Did it work?" He asked. "You didn't do it long enough try it again, this time more grunting." Chase said. Then Adam did it again but we moved to his right to get his hopes up. He opened his eyes and we started fake cheering and high fived him.


"Bree, Dani, is there something you want to tell me?" Mr. Davenport asked us. "I got this. Look, we all like you, but we think Tasha could have done better." Adam said. "I just got a phone call saying you two have been accepted to study in Australia." Mr. Davenport questioned. "Wait what that's crazy!" Bree said. "Did they mention what day we're leaving?" I asked.

"You two are not going." Mr. Davenport said. "What!" I exclaimed. "Why?" Bree asked. "Come on it was obvious even Adam saw that one coming." Chase said. "No idea what your talking about already moved on to cold cuts." Adam said. "You can't abandon the team what if Adam and Chase picked up and left for a month?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"Well then we wouldn't have to go to Australia." Bree said. "And we would be leaving you guys we could just super speed back whenever you need us." I said. "That's not the only issue what about your bionics, your training, your capsule?!" Mr. Davenport said.

"Mr. Davenport this is really important to us can we at least discuss it?" Bree asked. "We just did. You two are not studing Labrod end of conversation." Mr. Davenport said. "This is so unfair." Bree said. "Don't worry guys I'll get you two to Australia." Adam said and started grunting.


"Guess who just got invited to the panic enfero concert?!" Bree said excitedly. "Brendy Derlani!" Adam exclaimed. "Me and Dani!" Bree exclaimed. "Kaitlyn dosen't want to go alone cuz she's totally devastated." Bree said and I nodded. "Why is she devestated?" Chase asked. "Her boyfriend dumped her, isn't that amazing!" Bree said excitedly. "Girls, I'm sorry but you two can't go I have to extract you bionic chips tonight for critical performance motifications." Mr. Davenport said.

"Can't we do that tommorow?" I asked. "No I'm gone all day with a new product launch, look I wish I could go to the concert too you know I get the whole rock n' roll thing." He said. "Uhh people who get the whole rock n' role thing don't say I get the rock n' roll thing." Chase said.

"Come on Mr. Davenprot can't we just-" Bree said. "No I'm sorry girls but you two can't go." Mr. Davenport said. "Being bionic is ruining our lifes we can't go to the concert, we can't go to Australia we can't do anything!" Bree exclaimed. "You can go get me some juice." Adam said. "No you know what we are going to the concert!" Bree said grabbing my arm.

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