I Have A Brother??♞

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After the whole getting famous fiasco Mr. Davenport got us back on track by starting to train us for our missions again. Which meant that I had to do all the work and Mr. Davenport was helping me with that.

"Come on Dani you got this front flip twice then back hand spring 3 times." Mr. Davenport said. He turned on the simulator and two guys came running towards me as they threw the first punch I did a back hand spring three times.

As they threw up their legs trying to hit me in the face I did a front flip two times. "Alright Dani now let's work on technique." My dad said. As one of the guys punched me I grabbed their arm and flipped them over.

Making them fall on their back I punched another one in the face and kicked them in the chest making them fall over. As I took of my glasses everyone was clapping.

I smiled while dabbing a towel on my face from the sweat. "Dani you were amazing not bad at all!" Mr. Davenport said. "Good job Dani you'll be great once we get a new mission." My dad and Douglas said.

After I got Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo's compliments I went to the yard where my mom was sitting down with Tasha drinking coffee. "Hey Mom hey Tasha." I said.

"Hey sweetie Tasha and I were just talking about how amazing you were on the simulator!" My mom said while hugging me. "You were amazing!" They both said.

"Thanks it was not easy at all it was alot of work but still pretty fun." I said and everyone came out. "Umm what's happening?" I asked.

"Dani your father and I have something very important to tell you." My mom said. "You have a brother. And his name is Jake." My dad suddenly said and I was shocked and they all stood there looking at my face waiting for a reaction.

"Where is he?" I asked. "I'm right here." A voice said and I looked over and saw my so called brother. Something in my mind clicked because then a memory came up to my head.

I was four years old it was the day of the funeral that my parents supposibly had died in that car crash. I was crying and holding Mr. Davenport's hand.

"Hey I'm right here." A kid that I didn't know said. I looked over at him he had black hair and brown eyes. And I immediatley knew it was my brother. He was the same just older and he was right here with me.

"Oh my gosh Jake is that you?" I asked.. "Yes it's me." He said and I ran over to him and swung my arms around his neck and sobbed.

"I missed you so much." I said. "I missed you too but look at you saving people from danger, already have a boyfriend my baby sister is all grown up." He said and I smiled.

~Chase's POV~

As we went outside into the backyard all of us already knew what was going on Dani was finally going to meet her brother! We all had already met him.

Dani was at Dance Practice so it gave us a couple of hours to discuss the plan. Then we all went to the backyard.

"Umm what's happening?" Dani asked.

"Dani your father and I have something very important to tell you." Dani's mom said. "You have a brother. And his name is Jake." Dani's dad suddenly said and Dani was shocked, we all stood there looking at her face waiting for a reaction.

"Where is he?" Dani asked. "I'm right here." A voice said and we all looked over and saw Jake. Something must have clicked in Dani's mind clicked because she stood there emotion less for a second.

"Oh my gosh Jake is that you?" Dani asked. "Yes it's me." Jake said and Dani ran over to him and swung her arms around his neck and sobbed. Jake smiled while wrapping him arms around Dani.

"I missed you so much." Dani said. "I missed you too but look at you saving people from danger, already have a boyfriend my baby sister is all grown up." Jake said and I smiled.

You'd think I'd be jelous but I wasn't it's just a brother and sister relationship Dani would understand if it was Bree and I.

Bree's POV

Dani finally met her brother I was so happy for her! I think they already have the most adorable brother and sister relationship bond plus he's really cute could it get anymore better? ;)

Back to Dani's POV

"Okay kids I'm going to make cookie dough chocolate chip cookies and until they're ready feel free to catch up I'm sure you still need to talk about alot of things." Tasha said.

Then we all went to the living room. "Okay Jake first things first when we met you a couple weeks ago we forgot to mention one thing about Krane." Leo said.

"And that is?" Jake asked. "Krane is after Dani and won't stop until he kills her first before Adam, Bree and Chase." Leo said quickly since he was nervous.

"So you're saying that my sister's life is on the line?" Jake asked and all of us nodded. "Okay so what are we going to do?" Jake asked while running his hand through his hair nervously.

"We have to protect her more than usual and if Krane was the one that messed with the car he was probably trying to kill Dani and not your parents." Bree said and what she said did make sense.

"I'm in anything to protect my little sister." Jake said and I smiled I'm actually quite happy that I have a brother. "Great as long as we stay together no one can hurt Dani." Chase said.

"Yeah we have to watch her back at all times we don't know when Krane and that girl can come back." Adam said. So are we in this?" Leo and I asked.

"Yeah." They all said we put all our hands in the middle. "Let's go bionic quad let's go!" We all chanted and cherred, boy was this going to be a long journey.



Hey guys so I decided to do one of my own chapters ans they all have different symbols on them to different them from the original ones.

So oh my gosh Dani has a brother!😘👫Which happens to be played by Jake T Austin😉😍 And if you guys want to see more chapters with both of them.

Like either fighting or just a brother and sister moments make sure to comment below😋👇Next chapter is Alien Gladiators so stay stuned👽

I love you all and don't forge to vote👀👅💦💥

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