Truths & Commando Apps

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I really hope you guys like this chapter I had so much fun writing it. Love you my Bionic Besties

It was just a regular day at the Davenport's house Adam, Bree, Chase and I were in the lab laughing and talking. Then Mr. Davenport came in. "Guys we're having a family meeting, it's really important." Mr. Davenport said seriously. "This has to do with Dani." Mr. Davenport continued. "What about me?" I asked.

"You know how your parents died in that car accident when you were little right?" He asked. "Yea?" I said nervously. "Well, the truth is. Your parents....are alive." Mr. Davenport said and my heart dropped.

"No they're not they're dead!" I exclaimed. "Dani no they're alive they faked their death in order to protect you." Mr. Davenport said. "Why would they do that?!" I yelled.

"Dani, they protected you from Krane if he knew that they were alive he would have tried and killed you." Mr. Davenport said. "And what about you? Why would you keep this from me for twelve damn years!

(12 years because he parents "died" when she was 4 years old) Didn't you know how much I suffered everyday thinking that my parents were dead?!" I yelled.

My body started heating up and my vision started going red. I dropped to my knees yelling at everyone to get out of the room.

Mr. Davenport knew what was happening, my commando app. The last time it went off I nearly killed a scientist. I don't really know why it activated.....I mean.....Ohh...I don't like to be lied.

If it's a small one I'm okay but if it's a huge one like this one.....well. My vision turned blurry and before I knew it everything went black and my commando app kicked in. They call her......Kendra

Chase's POV

"Mr. Davenport what's going on!" I asked for the thousandth time since he dragged us into the living room. "Her bionics are overwhelming, she hates being lied to if it's a giant lie like this then her commando app, Kendra kicks in and makes her feel insecure about herself by telling her things.

And last time she almost killed a scientist. Eddy tell us when Dani has calmed down!" Mr. Davenport said. "Ooohhh you're going to have to rebuild some things again!" Eddy laughed.

Mr. Davenport cursed under his breath and Tasha smaked him upside the head. I'm not really worried about the lab. I'm worried about Dani I can't stand knowing that her commando app is making her feel insecure about herself.

~~~~~~~~Two Hours Later~~~~~~~~

"Eddy is she done having her drama attack?!" Leo asked. "Oh yea she finished an hour ago. She's still in the lab though, hiding somewhere." Eddy laughed.

After a couple of minutes the doors to the lab opened. "Dani!" Mr. Davenport and I yelled walking around the lab trying to find her. "Dani, sweetie please come out, your not introuble. Please come out!" Mr. Davenport said.

I'm guessing Dani used her invisibility because she then appeared right infront of us. "Mr. Davenport the voices.....They're back." Dani said.

"Oh no. This is bad. I'll be right back. Chase you take care of her. I'm going to see if there is anyway we can get rid of them." Mr. Davenport said before walking into the elevator.

Dani's POV

"Stop, stop! Stop please." I said covering my ears with my hands. "Dani what's wrong are you okay?" Chase asked worried. I shook my head.

"The voice Kendra. She's saying so many things....hurtful, cruel, mean things." I said. "Your worthless." She said. "You don't deserve Chase he deserves someone better. Why are you even alive? Oh I know to keep me alive." Kendra said and I could only hear her because she was saying it to me so no one else could hear....typical.

Chase wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face into his chest. "Don't believe her your perfect, smart, talented and beautiful in your own way." Chase said while kissing my forehead.

"Why would Mr. Davenport lie to me Chase? I spent twelve years without my parents. They weren't their when I most needed them." I said crying and Chase held me tighter.

"Dani do you think you can give it a shot and let them explain to you?" Chase asked. "I don't think I can Chase." I said. "Please, not even for me." He said and he gave me his puppy dog eyes. "Fine I'll go but I'm only doing this for you." I said. We got into the elevator and went upstairs.

"Dani there's someone I'd like you to meet." Mr. Davenport said and he opened the door. "Your parents." He said something in my mind came. I had a flashback to when I was four years old all the memories came back my mom chasing me around the house

Mr. Davenport and my dad figuring out where Adam and Bree where since we were playing hide and seek but Chase was just watching like usual. "Mom, dad, is that really you?" I asked.

They nodded and I ran up to them and hugged them we were all crying. When we finally finished we all sat down.

"Mom please tell me what happened I'm still confused." I said. "Sweetie the reason your dad and I faked our death was because we were protecting you." My mom said.

"Yea, when we found out Douglas had Krane as his new partner we realized how we had to protect you even more than before." My dad said.

"Yea and when we had you Douglas went behind both of our backs and placed bionic chips into all four of you guys but what he didn't know until now is that he gave you more abilities than Adam, Bree and Chase." My mom said. "And speaking of Chase, Mr. Davenport told me that you were dating my daughter." Dad said.

"Y-yea I am." Chase said nervously. "I have trust in you son, don't hurt my daughter like you did last time." Dad said and I think Mr. Davenport might have told him about the time where Chase didn't believe me that Marcus was bionic and I broke up with him.

"Sir I will never do that. Ever again." Chase said and I could tell he was scared but it was adorable. "Good, even though Donald has told me what a great kid you are he'll still keep me updated." My dad said.

"What do you mean keep you updated? Aren't you going to stay here in Mission Creek?" I asked my parents. "I'm afraid we can't sweetheart, if Krane catches us he'll hurt you." My mom said and my dad nodded.

"You can video chat them whenever you want Dani don't worry." Mr. Davenport said. "Well I guess this is goodbye." I said and my parents hugged me.

"Don't worry sweetheart Mr. Davenport will protect you and keep you safe along with Tasha, Leo, Adam, Bree and Chase." My mom said before they left.

"Hey, are you okay?" Bree asked. "Yea I'm fine just shocked about all of this." I said. "I would if I were you too." Bree said.

"Dani I just want you to know that what ever your going through count on us to always be there for you." Leo said.

"Thanks Leo that's really sweet of you." I said I always considered Leo as my little brother and Adam as a big brother.

But judging by how they act it might be the other way around. "And count on me to cheer you up." Adam said and I chuckled. "I don't doubt that." I said. Adam however your feeling he can cheer you up with his funny pranks or jokes.

"Hey Dani can I talk to you outside?" Chase asked. "Sure." I said while following him outside. "So, sorry about my dad's threat I can tell he's over protective over his little girl."

I said while putting air quotes around little girl. "It's okay I would be overprotective if I saw another guy trying to run after you." Chase said biting his lip.

"Like the time we battled Marcus." I said. "Yea, I don't want you getting hurt." Chase said. "Well you didn't think of that when I told you how Marcus was evil and you didn't believe me." I said.

"Hey." Chase said and he cupped my face with his hand. "That was the worst mistake I ever made and

I promised I would believe and never hurt you emotionally or physically." Chase said. Then I made our lips crash. "I love you Chase." I said. "I love you too Dani." Chase said and I smiled.


Hey guys so Dani's dad is played in my story by Christan Bale and Dani's mom is played by Blake Lively just thought you should know that :)

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